

エペソ 5:15-16 そういうわけですから、賢くない人のようではなく、賢い人のように歩んでかどうか、よくよく注意し、機会を十分に生かして用いなさい。悪い時代だからです。

This is about as practical as anything Paul ever wrote. God gives all of us many opportunities. Sometimes we recognize them, sometimes we don't. Even when we recognize them, sometimes we “let them live and make use of them,” as the Japanese expression has it, and sometimes we don't. Paul is saying very clearly that it's not wise to walk around in a fog, failing to recognize the opportunities God is providing. Often those are double-edged opportunities. Sometimes in marriage counseling I mention that I have had many “opportunities” to be unfaithful to Cathy, and I am very thankful that I have never “taken advantage” of any of those. In such cases, God was giving me opportunities to reaffirm my marriage commitment, and by His grace I made wise use of them. Sometimes we recognize that God has just presented us with an opportunity. That can feel really good, or it can feel downright scary. That depends on whether we are looking at God or at ourselves. If we are looking at ourselves, we can fear embarrassment or failure, but if we are looking to God, we can get excited about what He is going to accomplish through us. That attitude is certainly the wiser course!


I couldn't begin to count the number of “divine appointments” I have had. Sometimes I haven't recognized them except in retrospect, but then I could only shake my head in amazement at God's perfect plan. I need to grow in recognizing opportunities better: opportunities for obedience, for example. I don't like to admit it, but often when I don't want to do something that needs doing, God is giving me an opportunity to grow in obedience. I need those, but they aren't much fun at the time! Sometimes God is giving me an opportunity to speak into someone's life, and sometimes He is giving me an opportunity to learn better how to hold my tongue. I need more of that last! The wisest thing I can do is choose to listen and obey at all times. If I will do that, I will indeed make the most of every opportunity.


Father, thank You for Your grace to me. Thank You that You aren't holding all my missed opportunities against me. Help me indeed be a faithful steward of each opportunity, acting as Your agent at all times, so that You may be glorified as Your will is accomplished. Thank You. Praise God!


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