

第2テモテ 3:16-17 聖書はすべて、神の霊感によるもので、教えと戒めと矯正と義の訓練とのために有益です。それは、神の人がすべての良い働きのためにふさわしい十分に整えられた者となるためです。

It is sad that Japanese Bible translations are so hard for most Japanese to understand. Part of that is the fault of the translators, but part of it is that a number of central Biblical concepts are very difficult to express in Japanese. What comes immediately to mind is the concept of forgiveness. The character that applies to the Biblical concept of forgiveness is seldom used by the average Japanese, and it is read in exactly the same way as another character that means permission. As a consequence, God's unconditional forgiveness, which we are to learn to express toward each other, is a very difficult concept for most Japanese to grasp. If we don't understand how we are forgiven, forgiving others becomes much more difficult. Despite such translation difficulties, this passage is indeed true; but because of those difficulties, great patience is needed in the teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness that is talked about. The Word must actually communicate before it is effective in people's hearts and minds.


This problem isn't unique to Japan. Many American Christians use the Biblical words with no real grasp of their meaning. I must not presume on my hearers' ability to absorb the Word that I pour out on them. I need God's wisdom and anointing to explain and illustrate what the Bible is saying so that they can relate to it and relate it to their lives. My personal tendency is if it's the Word, then that's that. However, that flies completely over the heads of most of my hearers. Like Timothy, from infancy I've known the Scriptures, but few people have that advantage. I've got to learn how to bring the Word down to their level without diluting or degrading what it says, and that is beyond my personal ability.


Father, thank You that nothing is impossible for You. Thank You that Your Spirit can speak into any heart that is even a little bit open. That's what I ask and pray for. I pray that I would be totally available and yielded to You so that I would not get in the way of what You want to do in the hearts and lives of my hearers. I pray that every time I speak, even in the most casual conversations, that I may speak no unproductive word (Matthew 12:36) to anyone, but only what builds them up and brings You glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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