

第1ヨハネ 5:10-12 神の御子を信じる者は、このあかしを自分の心の中に持っています。神を信じない者は、神を偽り者とするのです。神が御子についてあかしされたことを信じないからです。そのあかしとは、神が私たちに永遠のいのちを与えられたということ、そしてこのいのちが御子のうちにあるということです。御子を持つ者はいのちを持っており、神の御子を持たない者はいのちを持っていません。

This is rather long to write on, but it is enormously important. If we really believe God, then the Holy Spirit will testify in our hearts that we have eternal life through Jesus Christ. People who don't have assurance of salvation really aren't believing God, because God has said that His Son died and rose again to give us eternal life. That life is in Christ, and is utterly unavailable and impossible apart from Him. We've got to get that through our heads and into our hearts, or we will easily be deceived and whipped around by the devil, who is the father of lies and enemy of the Truth. Sad to say, the majority of American Christians, even, don't have a clear conviction that salvation is found only in Christ. With the strong encouragement of the devil, people have distorted the righteous requirements of God and made Him out to be some sort of marshmallow Santa Claus (soft and sweet), and there is no salvation in that lie. One of the foundation stones of the Gospel is that we are sinners and need to repent. Our sin is so horrible before God that He had to send His Son to take the penalty on Himself, or we would all have been utterly destroyed. Any “gospel” that fails to lead people to repentance is a lie.


I am not immune to the temptation to “soften” the Gospel myself, so I must stand firm against it. In love I've got to tell people they're headed for hell. Many people feel that since there's only one God, then all religions are the same. This is a lie that is very active, even among the people I minister to. I've got to be lovingly clear on that issue, combating the lie with the truth of God so that people may be set free. I must not let people think they are saved without repentance. That doesn't have to mean copious tears, but it does require a commitment to change, with the help of God. I must not distort things into a “works” salvation, but I also must not let people think that saying a few words is all they have to do; there must be heart commitment.


Father, more than once I've failed to make sure that people were truly repenting when they asked for baptism. I don't want to put any unnecessary barriers in anyone's way, but that feeling has caused me to be less than clear on the subject of repentance at times. Forgive me. Help me communicate clearly that apart from Christ we are all headed for hell, but that in Christ we have eternal life. Help me be a creator of disciples for Christ, and not someone who just gathers pew-warmers. May we all accept Your call to come deeper and higher in Christ, for the salvation of many and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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