

第1ペテロ 5:10 あらゆる恵みに満ちた神、すなわち、あなたがたをキリストにあってその永遠の栄光の中に招き入れてくださった神ご自身が、あなたがたをしばらくの苦しみのあとで完全にし、堅く立たせ、強くし、不動の者としてくださいます。

The longer I live the more aware I am that everyone has suffering in their life. It's the natural consequence of living in a world tainted by the sin of rebellion against God. That's why it's so important that Jesus said, “In this world you will have trouble, but take heart, for I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33) He both acknowledged our current reality and pronounced victory over it. Our natural impulse is to want to be saved out of our situations, but God's plan is to save us in and through our situations. Someone being cheerful and peaceful when everything is going well is no surprise, but someone being cheerful and peaceful when everything is falling apart around them makes people take notice. That's when we really witness to the Lordship of Christ, and cause others to desire His salvation. We aren't to pretend that bad things aren't happening, but we are to remember that God is greater and bigger and above all our difficulties, and walk in trust and peace. We really can't do that in our own strength, but if that is our choice, God will enable us to do it for His glory.


This is not difficult for me to understand from an objective, intellectual standpoint, but when I'm the one in the middle of problems, the depth of my understanding certainly gets tested! I have difficult things to deal with in my own life, and everyone around me has problems in theirs. The danger for me is in coming across as not understanding their difficulties, or worse, not caring, and I have been accused of exactly those things. I need God's wisdom in expressing empathy while pointing them to the solution and encouraging them not to wallow in self-pity. I need to listen with an open heart, but not fail to express God's hope and direction to people. The current fad in counseling is what is called Rogerian (named for the American Psychologist who promoted it), in which the counselor essentially contributes nothing except a sympathetic ear. The problem with that is that it denies the possibility that the Word of God has answers for our problems. I've got to be careful not to switch into “prescription mode” before the person has had their say, but I must not hesitate to speak the Word into their life as the Holy Spirit directs.


Father, thank You for the privilege of being part of Your answer for people's needs. Help me take no pride in that, but rather relate to people in true, humble appreciation of Your grace. Keep me from coming across as arrogant or uncaring, much less being that way; rather let me express Your love and grace and truth in ways that people can receive it and be set free, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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