

創世記 22:18 「あなたの子孫によって、地のすべての国々は祝福を受けるようになる。あなたがわたしの声に聞き従ったからである。」

Our obedience doesn't affect just us. All the evil that is in the world today is the result of someone's disobedience to God somewhere at some time. If we decline to obey God we miss out on blessing for ourselves, but the ripple effects of that are beyond calculation. I have seen a chart of two individuals from before the American Revolution: one who was faithful to God and one who was in active rebellion against Him. The differences in their descendants was astounding! The faithful man had doctors and judges and leaders of all sorts in abundance among his descendants, and the rebel had quite a list of criminals of all sorts among his. The effects of our obedience don't stop at our physical descendants; Abraham's obedience brought blessing to all mankind through Jesus, who was Abraham's physical descendant. Disobedience is selfish, as well as stupid!


I am certainly the recipient of blessings as a result of the obedience of my ancestors, and I must not forget that. The song “Make me a Channel of Blessing” never seemed particularly deep to me as a child, but I don't think that was a fair evaluation. Desiring to be a channel of blessing is hardly an ignoble motive for obedience to God! I need to continue to seek to bless others by my obedience, and I need to teach the believers to do likewise. I was asked yesterday if all interpersonal problems were the result of sin, and I had to answer “Yes,” because if we were all living in obedience to God the way Jesus did, there would be no such problems. (Jesus had problems, but they were the result of others' sin.) The devil gives us all sorts of excuses for disobedience to God, but not a one will stand up under the light of the Holy Spirit, and each one will deprive us and many others of blessings God desires to pour out on us.

私は祝福を受けているのは確かに先祖が従順だったからです。そのことを忘れないようにすべきです。“Make me a Channel of Blessing”(私を祝福の器にして)の歌は、子供の時には大して深く心に響かなかったようですが、その考えは正しくはなかったようです。祝福の器になるのを望む事は、神に従うための卑しい動機ではありません!私の従順さで人にも祝福があるよう求め続けていこうと思っています。同じことを信者にも教えていきます。個人間の問題全てが罪の結果かどうか、昨日尋ねられました。もし私たちがイエスのように従順に生きているなら、そのような問題は起こらないはずです。それで私は「ええ、そうですよ」と答えました。(イエスに問題はありましたが、それは他の人の罪の結果でした。)神様に従わせないために悪魔はあらゆる口実を与えますが、聖霊の下に立てるものはなく、その各々が神様が注ごうと望んでおられる、私たちと他の多くの人の祝福を奪うことでしょう。

Father, thank You for Your presence and anointing in the service yesterday, and for all who were able to attend. Thank You for the agreement in the decisions about New Believers classes. I pray that each of the believers would be active in their growth, seeking to know and do Your will, so that they individually and all of us collectively may receive and enjoy the blessings You desire to pour out on us, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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