

ヘブル 4:2 福音を説き聞かされていることは、私たちも彼らと同じなのです。ところが、その聞いたみことばも、彼らには益になりませんでした。みことばが、それを聞いた人たちに信仰によって、結びつけられなかったからです。

Jesus spoke again and again of “hearing ears.” As this verse makes quite clear, those are ears of faith. People can hear the Gospel all their lives without really appropriating it into their hearts by faith, and sadly, some do exactly that. The faith called for isn't just an assent to the facts, it is believing that those facts apply to you, that you are a sinner in need of salvation and God has been so gracious as to provide that salvation. I really like the turn of phrase in the Japanese here, where it speaks of the Word of God being bound to people by faith. Without faith, the words just slide off of us, but by faith they wrap themselves around us in protection and covering and we take them into our innermost being and they “dwell in us richly,” as Paul puts it in Colossians 3:16. Without faith, the words are just words, but by faith they become the Word of God that spoke the universe into being.


I have been given the privilege of speaking the Word of God, but if I fail to do it in love I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal, and if the Holy Spirit doesn't engender faith in my hearers, even loving words do no real good. With my gifting as a teacher, my natural impulse is to present the facts and expect people themselves to appropriate those facts and be changed. However, it seldom works that way. In addition to praying for my hearers I need to present the truth in small enough bites that they can take it in, and expressed in such a way that they will choose to do so. Rejoicing in my own salvation is not enough; I've got to make that salvation as easily available as possible to others, yet without compromise, so that as many as possible may indeed “enter God's rest,” as Hebrews puts it.


Father, thank You for the privilege of speaking Your Word. Help me be increasingly effective in that task. You have given me a personal burden for people, who are already saved, to understand and operate in the incredible riches of all You have provided and done for us in Christ. That calls for an ever-growing faith, in me and in them. Thank You for the things You have done recently to grow my faith. Help me be effective in growing my hearers' faith, so that they may rise up as a mighty army, destroying the works of the devil and bringing multitudes into Your kingdom, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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