

第1ペテロ 3:15 (16) むしろ、心の中でキリストを主としてあがめなさし。そして、あなたがたのうちにある希望について説明を求める人には、だれにでもいつでも弁明できる用意をしていなさい。ただし、優しく、慎み恐れて、また、正しい良心を持って弁明しなさい。

The NIV puts all of this in one verse, while the Japanese runs the second sentence into the next verse. But it is important to consider all of it together. In the first place, we've got to keep Jesus as Lord, in and of our hearts. Going through external motions and rituals with the wrong motive and attitude is certainly unacceptable to God and produces nothing good. That doesn't mean that we aren't to do things if we don't feel like it. Sometimes we are called to give the sacrifice of praise, for example (Hebrews 13:15), praising God specifically when we don't feel like it simply because we know He is worthy of our praise. That is indeed honoring Him as Lord in our hearts. If we have that awareness of His Lordship, we will also have hope that the world dreams of but really knows nothing about. Such hope cannot be hidden, and people are going to ask about it precisely because they don't have it and they want it. This is far and away the most effective evangelism. However, our response must not be in pride, looking down on the inquirer because they don't yet know Christ. Rather, it must be gentle, concerned lest something in us would get in the way of the enquirer encountering the Savior. That in itself should be sufficient motivation to live so as to keep a clear conscience!


I certainly need to apply this in my own life, but as a pastor I find myself very involved in trying to help the believers apply it in theirs. We are all prone to compartmentalize our commitment to Christ, calling Him Lord while keeping certain areas back from Him. When we do that, we are not only ineffective in evangelism, we also miss out on many of the blessings He has prepared for us, starting with the hope and assurance this passage talks about. I've got to remember this myself and also communicate it to the believers, with all the gentleness the passage also talks about.


Father, thank You for all You are doing, and particularly for how You are working in me. I have known for a long time that for this church to grow, I've got to keep changing and growing, but I seldom know how I need to change until You start working that change in me. Sometimes that process isn't comfortable. Forgive me for complaining. Thank You for the assurance that Your plans are indeed good, acceptable and perfect. May I indeed live with Christ as Lord in every area and detail of my life, so that all of Your plans may be fulfilled on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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