

ヘブル 5:14 まして、キリストが傷のないご自身を、とこしえの御霊によって神におささげになったその血は、どんなにか私たちの良心をきよめて死んだ行いから離れさせ、生ける神に仕える者とすることでしょう。

People today aren't used to a system of animal sacrifice, so they might have trouble understanding the background for this verse. Under the Old Covenant, the blood of animals was offered to God as atonement for the sins of people. (To God, people are more valuable than animals.) Hebrews is obviously written to Jews, who in the 1st Century were very much used to the idea of animal sacrifices, and the author of Hebrews goes to considerable lengths to explain how the cross of Christ is the culmination and fulfillment of that system, bringing it to an end. Today we would think that blood and ashes (verse 13) would make us dirty, but the point was ritual cleansing.


The most striking thing about this verse to me is that it speaks of our consciences being cleansed through the blood of Christ. That happens two ways. The first is that it straightens out distortions so that we feel bad about things that offend God, but we do not feel bad about things that don't offend God. (This isn't generally the case for anyone apart from Christ.) The second is that it assures us that our sins are taken care of, the burden has been lifted, so that we can serve God with clear consciences. Anyone who is laboring under unforgiven sin is not going to be able to serve God properly, however much they might want to. Every sin must be placed under the blood of Christ, but once that is done, it is forever taken care of and forgiven, and we must not try to drag it up to repent all over again. We need to understand that once something is confessed and repented of it is forgiven because of the blood of Christ, and we are set free of it forever.


This is often a difficult concept for me to get across. People have great trouble understanding the magnificence and completeness of God's forgiveness, and as a result they not only have trouble forgiving themselves, they have trouble forgiving each other as well. The Bible says again and again and again that once God has dealt with our sin it is gone, and that's all there is to it. I need the help and anointing of the Holy Spirit to communicate that glorious reality, because it's clear that human intellect and persuasion can't do the job.


Father, thank You for Your grace, for the glory of Your plan of salvation for mankind. I not only don't deserve it, I can hardly take it in, and I'm certainly not very good at communicating it. Help me do better at that, speaking the truth in love so that Your Spirit can take my words and reveal Your love and grace to my hearers, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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