

レビ記 19:33-34 「もしあなたがたの国に、あなたがたといっしょに在留異国人がいるなら、彼をしいたげてはならない。あなたがたといっしょの在留異国人は、あなたがたにとって、あなたがたの国に生まれたひとりのようにしなければならない。あなたは彼をあなた自身のように愛しなさい。あなたがたもかつてエジプトと地では在留異国人だったからである。わたしはあなたがたの神、主である。」

This passage is echoed in Jesus' story of the Good Samaritan. The Jews didn't see the Samaritans as their neighbors, they saw them as different and inferior. Jesus turned that around with His story, but even so the Pharisee to whom He told it couldn't bring himself to say, “Samaritan,” when Jesus asked him who had acted as a neighbor to the man who had been beaten up by bandits. This sort of thing continues to be a problem in the world today. However, the Bible is very clear that such interpersonal barriers are antithetical to the kingdom of God. No culture is innocent in this regard. In the US, the vast majority of churches are mono-racial and mono-cultural. That's not what heaven is going to look like! The church should be a practice ground for heaven, in this and every other area.


I've lived with this problem all my life, growing up as a Caucasian in Japan. Sometimes I was allowed to do things a Japanese person would not have been allowed to do, but often there has been a polite but firm wall, of being excluded because of being different. That has created something of a victim mentality in me, seeing more rejection than there really is, and that in itself is dangerous. The other side of this is rejection that is real, but not perceived as such by those doing the rejecting. I've got to find my acceptance in Christ and not allow the acceptance or rejection of others to sway me. That's a very tall order, and it is possible only as I am truly crucified with Christ.


Father, thank You for the many people who do accept me, to greater or lesser degrees. Help me escape a rejection complex, so that I won't perceive rejection that isn't there and so that I will be able to deal rationally with what is there. Help me indeed love others as I love myself, and teach the believers to do so regardless of racial or cultural or personal distinctions. Only Your Holy Spirit can do that work in us, so that is what I am asking for, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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