

詩篇 122:6-7 エルサレムの平和のために祈れ。「おまえを愛する人々は栄えるように。おまえの城壁のうちには、平和があるように。おまえの宮殿のうちには、繁栄があるように。」

This is an extremely topical passage, as it has been for the past 62 years since the resurrection of Israel as a nation. I don't know that there has ever been a nation so surrounded by bitter enemies. The reason is clear to a student of the Bible, but it is a complete mystery to the secular world. That makes it all the more important for Christians to uphold Israel in prayer. Her very existence is prophetic, and we ignore her to our peril. God has not abandoned His promises to Abraham, as even the New Testament makes clear. As a nation, Israel is not always in the right, but any evaluation of her actions that ignores this historical background and spiritual environment is going to be wrong, and that applies to the vast majority of media reports.


I am certainly not one who is obsessed with the Middle East, but having been born the same year as the nation of Israel, and having been born in a Bible-believing, Bible-teaching family, I have been aware of Israel and her struggles all my life. I continue to be delighted in her accomplishments and in the confounding of her enemies. My major focus is to be the tasks God sets before me, but I am also to be faithful to pray as David asked, and above that, to pray for the salvation of the physical descendants of Abraham – and not just those through Isaac! That last thought just came to me. The world would be a different place indeed if more of the descendants of Ishmael came to Christ. Ultimately, submission to Christ is the answer to all the world's problems, but we have the book of Revelation to tell us that, sadly enough, that submission isn't going to be willing for a vast number of people. I need to be faithful in prayer and action toward the goal of the salvation of as many as possible.


Father, this is an issue on which I am somewhat ambivalent. I am in full agreement with Christian groups that work for the support of Israel and the salvation of the Jewish people, yet I react against the guilt trip some of them seek to impose on those who don't dedicate their lives and ministries to that cause. Help me be faithful and obedient to You, so that my prayer, my words, and my actions may accomplish Your purposes on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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