

箴言 10:12 憎しみは争いをひき起こし、愛はすべてのそむきの罪をおおう。

This is a verse I tend to agree with very readily, since I have a strong tendency toward conflict avoidance. The difficulty comes in distinguishing when it is more loving to correct than to ignore. If we are sensitive to every slight and every wrong, that's paranoia, and we feel hurts that don't exist outside of our own minds. Being secure in love, that is, that we are loved, is the opposite of paranoia. At the same time, failure to recognize wrong and stand for right is surely the path to destruction, either for us or for the person in the wrong or both. The Bible tells us to hate what God hates, so we need to remember that God doesn't hate people, He hates sin. We often have a lot of trouble making that distinction! We are quick to seize on externals of all sorts, but God looks on the heart, and we are called to be like Him.


Avoiding conflict when I shouldn't have has gotten me into a good bit of trouble over the years, both personally and for the church. Failure to confront has allowed problems to fester and become worse. At the same time, I have generated unnecessary conflict by how I have corrected. I have a lot of room for growth on both sides of that issue! I need to love people enough to risk conflict by correcting them, when I have been given responsibility for them, and I also need to do so gently, encouraging the good rather than slamming the bad. It is far more effective to praise and reward desired behavior than it is to harp on undesired behavior. I know that and try to teach it in the area of parenting, but all too often I forget it in spiritual parenting, that is, pastoring. I need to grow in putting myself in the other person's place and guiding/admonishing accordingly.


Father, You choose and use imperfect vessels. The longer I live the more I am aware of that. Thank You for Your grace. Help me be an open channel of that grace to those around me, relating to them not with my wisdom or strength but with Yours, diminishing so that You may increase. Fill me with Your love so that my every word and action may express that love accurately and clearly, even when it calls for correction or even rebuke. Help me remember that love doesn't run from, it runs to, it seeks but it doesn't chase down. Thank You. Praise God!


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