

詩篇 146:5 幸いなことよ。ヤコブの神を助けとし、その神、主に望みを置く者は。

This verse may be a truism, but it's amazing both how true it is and how many people refuse to believe it! It is a very blessed thing when someone realizes both that they need God's help and that He stands ready to provide it. That, after all, is the basis of salvation itself, since we must realize we need it and that it is available in Christ Jesus. However, we have an amazing capacity for depending on anything and everything but God, and in the long run the results are never good. We place our hope in an incredible variety of things, many of which totally defy logic and common sense, rather than in the God who made us and loves us. I am always saddened to hear of people who depend on fortune tellers or astrology, and that is so common – though those very people are likely to deny that they “really believe that stuff.” We see so many who depend on money, or their job, or the government. It would seem sometimes that the government is doing all it can to create such dependency! Depending on God isn't passive, it's actively looking for the solutions He provides and being grateful to take part in them, even when it requires personal effort. An American proverb says, “God helps those who help themselves.” That's not in the Bible, and it sometimes leads to ignoring God's help, but it does catch the reality that we are to be active in our trust and obedience. It is sad that so many Americans have forgotten that.


As my devotional reading has pointed out rather frequently, my temptation in this area has been to depend on the abilities God has given me, rather than in the God who has given them to me. As this verse says, I need to be intentional in making God my help. Thankfully, He is faithful to present me regularly with situations my own abilities can't make a dent in, so I'm forced to turn to Him. Sometimes when situations are resolved people make over me as though I had done it, and I must not yield to that. I've got to be clear, both in my thinking and in my words, that any good result that comes through me originates in God, and He deserves the credit and the glory. As I face increasingly difficult situations, I've got to be sure my hope is anchored in God alone, whatever channels He might use to provide His help to me.


Father, thank You for all the challenges You allow me to face, big and small. Thank You that You are more than equal to any of them, and to all of them put together! Thank You that in getting through those challenges my faith does grow, however slowly. I'd like some “faith growth hormone” (instead of human growth hormone)! I'd also like to be Your pharmacist, dispensing that faith growth hormone to all with whom I interact, so that we may all enjoy the blessedness of which this verse speaks, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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