

詩篇 130:3-4 主よ。あなたはもし、不義に目を留められるなら、主よ、だれが御前に立ちえましょう。しかし、あなたが赦してくださるからこそ、あなたは人に恐れられます。

This is an enormously important Scripture on the issue of guilt and forgiveness. That's, of course, important for every human being, but it's a huge issue in Japan, where they have such a shallow understanding of the whole thing. In the first place, the concept of sin itself is difficult, since it is a “shame” culture rather than a “sin” culture. That is to say, the expressed motive for not doing something is not because it is inherently wrong (a sin), but because it would be embarrassing (shame). This is used in child discipline, where children are told, “Don't do that. People will laugh at you.” Because of this background, I think the Japanese translators were wise to use “unrighteousness” in verse 3, rather than “sin” like the English does. But then we get to the matter of forgiveness. I have written at some length on the Japanese lack of understanding of the issue, because I am convinced that it is the major obstacle in the way of the salvation of the Japanese people. When they don't understand what real forgiveness is, it's no wonder they are uncomfortable with the whole idea of absolute right and wrong, because they don't grasp that real forgiveness is possible. However, it's not just Japanese who fail to understand the concept in verse four. The use of “fear” in the verse is slightly misleading, because of our lacking a word that means precisely what is conveyed by the widespread Old Testament usage. If God did not forgive, then He would be no more to us than a bogeyman, and we would do our utmost to pretend He didn't exist. That is precisely what many people in all cultures do today. This was true even in the 1st Century, when Peter wrote 2 Peter 1:9. Knowing that there is absolute right and wrong, that sin is real, and that God really does forgive those who turn to Him in repentance, should make us all rush to Him and cling to Him above, before, and beyond everything else.


This is obviously a huge thing in my ministry, but it is certainly no less important for me personally. I've got to maintain sensitivity to recognize when I do sin and humility to repent immediately, knowing that forgiveness is real and available. If I don't grasp that for myself, I'll never be able to communicate it effectively to others. I have demonstrated over the years that my intelligence, reasoning, and everything else are totally ineffective in bringing anyone to a right understanding of God, but that God can use me to save people if I will be submitted and available to Him. Over the years He has been giving me a better, deeper understanding of the task at hand, and if I will be fully committed, available, and obedient to Him, He will use me to bring many into His kingdom in truth.


Father, I am continually blown away by the magnificence of Your grace. Help me not take it lightly, carelessly treading it under foot, but rather rejoice to walk in it moment by moment, drawing others into the same sort of fellowship with You, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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