

詩篇 115:1 私たちにではなく、主よ、私たちにではなく、あなたの恵みとまことのために、栄光を、ただあなたの御名にのみ帰してください。

I underlined every verse in this Psalm because of how it speaks to me in various ways, so writing on a small part of it is a difficult decision. However, this first verse must be at the foundation of every work that is done in the name of the Lord, every life that is lived for God. We tend to be “glory hogs,” desiring to be recognized. Actually, the need to be recognized and appreciated is fundamental, but we are quick to distort it until it becomes a monster. The more success we have, the greater the temptation to try to take credit for it ourselves. Success on the eternal scale comes only when we recognize on every level that it is only by the grace of God that we are able to accomplish anything at all. Maintaining that awareness is what “giving God the glory” is all about. There is a famous saying, “Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” That is true on a human scale because it's talking about forgetting God and thinking the power is actually ours. Accurate use of power, and success, requires keeping God where He belongs in our hearts, minds, words and actions. We've got to say with the Psalmist, “To You alone be the glory.”

様々な方法で私に語っている詩篇の各節にアンダーラインを引いています。そのため一部を抜き出すのは難しいことです。この最初の節は主の御名によってなされる全ての御業、神のために生きるあらゆる命の基礎となるものです。人は「栄光 に貪欲」となり、認められたがります。実際、認められたがり、感謝されたがる欲求は根源的なことですが、怪物になるほどにすぐに曲解しています。成功すればするほど、それを自分の力で成し得たように思いがちです。あらゆる段階で神様の恵みのゆえにのみ、なされたこと、恵みなしには何も成しえないことを知ることこそ、永遠の規模での成功です。こうした自覚を持っていることが「栄光を神に帰する」ことになります。「権力は衰退するが、絶対的な御力は決して滅びない」という諺があります。神を忘れ、力が人にあると思う事が表されていますから、人間的秤でも言い得た見方です。力、成功の正しい用い方は、私たちの心、言葉、行動に常に神を据えて置くことが必要です。詩篇作者とともに「ただあなたの御名にのみ」と言いましょう。

I've had my struggles with this, because recognition feels good and the devil certainly tempts us to grab the glory, as he tried to do. I feel the Lord is about to do some remarkable things here, so I've got to keep this issue in sharp focus. It's tempting to think, I've paid my dues so now comes the glory, but that's a trap of the devil. I need to remember that the climax of Paul's ministry was a Roman execution. I will share in God's glory in heaven, but I must not seek it for myself. The more God speaks to me, the more He does through me, the more I must keep in sharp focus the reality that the glory is His and not mine.


Father, thank You for this reminder. I receive it as further indication that You are about to do remarkable things here. Help me not get in Your way, but walk in purity and availability, responsive to each thing You say, so that all of Your plans may be fulfilled on every level, for Your glory indeed. Thank You. Praise God!


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