

詩篇 119:99-100 私はすべての師より悟りがあります。それはあなたのさとしが私の思いだからです。私は老人よりもわきまえがあります。それは、私があなたの戒めを守っているからです。

At first glance this might seem to be a very conceited statement, but it actually has some very important insights. Particularly in spiritual things, students can surpass their teachers because it's a matter of focus. Knowing spiritual truth as fact isn't enough; we've got to mull it over, think of its implications, and apply it for it to make the difference in our lives that God intends. Likewise, knowing God's will but failing to do it is foolish; the choice to be obedient instantly takes us to a higher level of discernment. Several verses in this Psalm speak of the author's suffering. It would seem that he was seriously ill at one point, but he spent the time on his sickbed thinking about God's law and considering what it meant for him. That is indeed a good path to spiritual maturity!


In my younger days I might have claimed this passage, but in my case it would have been conceit indeed! That's because I had a lot of head knowledge of the Bible but I was certainly not faithful in meditating on it, seeking to be obedient. Now that I am past 60 I am finally getting around to mulling the Word over in my mind, seeking deeper understanding so that I may apply it better, but it has certainly taken me a long time to get to this point! I feel like I am finally getting to a place where I might be useful to God, but I wasted a lot of time in the process. However, rather than focusing on regret, I need to focus more and more on God and His Word, because the power and the ability isn't in me in the first place, it's in Him. If I will be available and obedient, the next 20 years will bring far more fruit that the past 40!


Father, thank You for Your grace and love. Thank You for Your patience and mercy. Thank You for Your willingness to use even such a one as I. Help me indeed meditate on Your Word and allow it to bear Your fruit in and through me. Help me get out of the way more and more so that You will be free to do all that You desire to do. Help me live out Your Word, not as academic knowledge but as vital, life-giving truth, so that many may receive life through me, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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