

詩篇 138:6 まことに、主は高くおられるが、低い者を顧みてくださいます。しかし、高ぶる者を遠くから見抜かれます。

Throughout the Bible it is clear that pride is one of the worst sins: saying you don't need God. By that measure, modern man is perhaps in greater danger than any previous generation! By God's grace mankind has accomplished so much, many think they have no need of God. The scientists at CERN in Switzerland, operating the world's largest particle accelerator, say they are looking for something they are calling the “god particle,” implying that they see a physical explanation for everything in the universe and have no need of theology. The Bible makes it clear that sort of attitude is a major reason God allows natural disasters to strike: to teach us that we need Him. I love the Japanese expression in the second half of this verse: “God sees through the proud from a distance.” The message is clear: God is close to the humble, for good, but He doesn't have to get close to the proud to see through them and know their foolishness. We need to remember that God is indeed high and lifted up, just as Isaiah saw in his vision (Isaiah 6), but He gets “up close and personal” with those who recognize their need for Him and cry out to Him.


Looking back, I can honestly say that every “bad” thing in my life has been either A) the result of my sin, B) God knowing better than I did what I actually needed, or C) God training me to focus on Him and depend on Him instead of myself. I haven't had major personal tragedy in my life the way many people have, but I have certainly had some pretty unpleasant experiences! I wish I could say I have learned my lessons quickly and well, but to do so would be an extreme exaggeration. I still fight with pride, with relying on the gifts that are in me instead of on the One who gave them to me. Yesterday was a good case in point, though I ended up coming through it well. I knew what my problem was and I knew the solution, but God allowed me to hit a number of roadblocks along the way to get me to be active in depending on Him. Yesterday was just a computer problem, but the same principle applies to the important issues of life as well. I have no reason to get upset at anything in my life. Rather, I need to trust God and thank Him for every opportunity to depend on Him more fully.


Father, thank You for yesterday indeed. Thank You for Your timing of every detail. Thank You that the end result was good, from every standpoint. Thank You for the multiple times through the day that you enabled me to step back, figuratively speaking, look to You, and be active in my trust, with thanks. Yesterday was a strictly temporal issue; help me do the same with the many things that confront me that have eternal implications, for myself or for others. May I be diligent and faithful without thinking it depends on me. May I be fully available and responsive in Your hands, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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