

箴言 15:16-17 わずかな物を持っていて主を恐れるのは、多くの財宝を持っていて恐慌があるのにまさる。野菜を食べて愛し合うのは、肥えた牛を食べて憎み合うのにまさる。

The world is focused on wealth and sensual pleasure, but those ultimately do not satisfy, much less bring true happiness and contentment. We are created for love: loving God and loving one another. The devil tempts us to love things and to treat one another as things, but we've got to remember that he comes only to steal, kill, and destroy. Giving in to his temptations can be deceptively exciting at first, but the result is always bad. It takes wisdom to see through his tricks, but wisdom starts with fearing God. (Job 28:28, Proverbs 9:10, etc.) God tells us what will bring true joy and happiness, so the first thing the devil tries to do is get us to doubt and distrust God. When our faith and trust are firmly in God, we can have peace and joy regardless of our circumstances.


I have never had an overabundance of this world's wealth, yet people look at me and assume I am what they would call well to do, because they see I am blessed by God. As a matter of fact, He has blessed me so much that my loving wife can prepare a meal of vegetables that is indeed a better feast than someone else's “fatted calf!” Sadly, some look at me and their envy shades to jealousy, and that robs them of even more peace and happiness. I am not to pretend that I am not blessed, but I need God's wisdom to help people understand that God loves them just as much as He loves me, and that His plans for them are just as wonderful as His plans for me. If they, or I, focus on negatives and what we'd like to be different, that robs us of the enjoyment of what we already have. As Paul said, godliness with contentment is great gain. (1 Timothy 6:6)


Father, thank You for Your overflowing blessings toward me. Help me give You the thanks, praise, and glory You deserve. Help me communicate the breadth and depth and richness of Your love to those around me, so that they too may be rescued from the lies of the devil to walk in the peace and joy and satisfaction You desire and intend for us all. As Jesus told us, in this world we will have trouble. Help me and those I minister to to rejoice even in the middle of that because of Your victory, Your overflowing grace and love. Thank You. Praise God!


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