

詩篇 119:140 あなたのみことばは、よく練られていて、あなたのしもべは、それを愛しています。

I am reminded of Hebrews 12:1, being surrounded by a great cloud of those who have tried and tested God's Word and found it true and reliable. In scientific practice, any hypothesis must be tested before it is accepted. Few things in existence have been tested as thoroughly as God's Word, and it has come through with flying colors. (Many of the “scientific” objections to Christian faith are ironic and hypocritical in the extreme, but that's a different subject.) The difficulty lies in the necessity of faith, because we are experts at interpreting things the way we want to, and a sadly large number of people decline to accept the evidence that is clearly there for anyone who is willing to believe. As Paul points out in Romans 1:18-20, a number of things about God may be deduced from simply observing His creation. It is the Bible that helps us sort out our perceptions and get past our misunderstandings to come to a real knowledge of God. No wonder the psalmist loved it!


I have been blessed with both a background in the Bible and what people call a “high IQ,” and I have always found the two to complement, not contradict, each other. It is a delight to exercise my intellectual gifts in digging into the Word, but at the same time I am ever more aware that intellect alone cannot reach God. That's why Jesus said we must become as little children to enter, or even see, the kingdom of God. (Matthew 18:2-4, Luke 18:17, John 3:3) I am called and sent to communicate the good news of the kingdom to the Japanese, who according to the Guinness Book have the highest average IQ of any people group and have been remarkably resistant to the Gospel. The irony there is that for a majority of Japanese, their “faith” is a collection of superstitions, which is highly anti-intellectual. I know from experience that logical argument alone will never bring Japanese to faith, and I also know that I can't wave some wand and open their eyes to the truths of Scripture, so I'm back at the very best place to be: trusting God. I have seen some remarkable conversions, and I have also seen fierce spiritual opposition. I've got to keep my faith and trust in God, knowing that His Word never returns to Him without accomplishing that for which He has sent it. (Isaiah 55:11)


Father, thank You for Your Word, thank You for Your plan, and thank You for including me in that plan. Help me trust You and Your Word rather than my intellect, because I know that nothing is too difficult for You, and many, many things are beyond me. Help me stand firm against anxiety and discouragement, keeping my eyes on Jesus and looking forward not only to His return but also to His victory in my circumstances, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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