

詩篇 89:15-16 幸いなことよ、喜びの叫びを知る民は。主よ。彼らは、あなたの御顔の光の中を歩みます。彼らは、あなたの御名をいつも喜び、あなたの義によって、高く上げられます。

The writer of this psalm seems to be a bit shaky in his monotheism, considering verses 6-7, but at the very least he understands that Yahweh is the greatest of all. These two verses certainly nail an important principle: praising and worshiping God in truth brings abundant blessings. The NIV gets somewhat interpretive in translating verse 15, saying “have learned to acclaim You,” while the Japanese is more literal with “know the shout of joy.” I think the NIV is justified here, because the “shout of joy” that is referred to is joyous temple worship. Whether you say “know” or “have learned,” this is something we need to be taught. If we know nothing of God, how can we worship Him? The Japanese makes it clear that it is when we worship God that we walk in the light of His presence. Some people seem to want guidance and protection, but they can't be bothered with worshiping God. It doesn't work that way! As verse 16 points out, worship brings joy, because we can't worship rightly without knowing God's character, and when we understand that our Creator is our loving Savior, joy indeed overflows. When we relate rightly to God, we are indeed exalted, not by our own righteousness, but by His. I don't know how well “Ethan the Ezrahite” (the writer of this Psalm) understood what he was writing, but this is a vitally important NT principle. We don't earn our own salvation, we receive by faith the grace that God has prepared for us.


As a pastor in a predominantly non-Christian country, my task could be expressed as teaching people the shout of joy. As Jesus made clear, God desires people who will worship Him in spirit and in truth. (John 4:23-24) I need to communicate that such worship is a lifestyle, but it is far more than culture and habit. Most Japanese essentially equate religion with culture, as was pointed out in a TV program recently. That adds another barrier to Japanese coming to Christ, because they fear that becoming a Christian will make them less Japanese. The thing is, becoming a Christian will indeed make them less like their neighbors, but every difference will be a good one! I need to communicate that a life of faith in Christ is not only eternal, it is filled with joy and peace. And I also need to teach the believers that the more fully they worship God, which includes walking in obedience, the more joy and peace they will have. Preaching on eternal life is effective largely for those who actively fear death, such as those with a terminal illness. (We tend to forget that every one of us is mortal!) I need to help people see the difference Christ can make in their lives right now, so that they will let go of the other things they have been clinging to, to embrace Him fully.


Father, thank You for the beautiful prayer meeting last night. Thank You for how You are teaching us to worship You with our whole lives, and indeed walk in the light of Your presence. I pray that we would not draw back, but press forward into all that You have for us, so that all of Your plans for us may be fulfilled, on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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