

詩篇 97:1 主は、王だ。地は、こおどりし、多くの島々は喜べ。

I am really struck by how the Japanese translates the first line of this psalm. Very simply, it is “The Lord is king.” This strikes me as very similar to the NT confession, Jesus is Lord. So much of our anxiety, our struggle with life, would be eliminated if we got that through our heads! This isn't passivity, it's getting out of the driver's seat and letting God be God. The original sin in the Garden of Eden had to do with Eve wanting to take control, doubting that what God had said was really best for her and Adam and trying to take on God's prerogative of deciding right from wrong. As God once spoke to me personally, there is much in the world today that He's not happy about, but He is still God, and He has the perfect “end game” coming up. When we really grasp that on every level and release control into His hands emotionally (He's actually already in control) we are freed from the weight of it all. We aren't built to carry the world! Releasing everything to God is peace and joy indeed.


This is something I've known for a long time, but am still working into full application. I am still prone to get upset when things don't go the way I think they ought to, and I get tied in knots trying to fix things myself. That's not to say that I'm not to be available as God's agent in correcting any number of things, but it is to say that I'm not to try to carry the burden of them myself. God is opening up our eyes to things He wants to do along the way to making Omura a genuinely Christian city. I've got to be sensitive and obedient to what He wants me to do in preparation, but I'm not to try to make those things happen on my own. That's a recipe for stress and failure! I cannot be lazy, but I've got to remember that it's His power at work in me, and not my own, so that I will leave full control in His hands.


Father, thank You for the awesome experience yesterday of seeing someone who has been cut off by circumstances from Christian fellowship, yet has been protected, healed, and encouraged by You. I couldn't do anything for him, but You could and did. There are so many, in this city and out of it, whom I would like to heal, deliver, or save in one way or another, but there is no way I can do any of that. Help me trust You fully with each one, while being fully available to You as Your instrument in touching each one, so that Your perfect will may be done on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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