

ホセア 3:1 主は私に仰せられた。「再び行って、夫に愛されていながら姦通している女を愛せよ。ちょど、ほかの神々に向かい、干しぶどうの菓子を愛しているイスラエルの人々を主が愛しておられるように。」

To me the Japanese, though only a little different from the English, makes more sense here. The English says, “though she is loved by another and is an adulteress,” while the Japanese says, “though she is an adulteress even while loved by her husband.” The English seems to equate love with sex, even though that's certainly not the case with God's love for Israel, which is the whole point of the story. However that point of translation is resolved, Hosea is certainly a powerful example of unconditional love. I can hardly imagine what it was like for him, but I have heard of a modern example: a pastor's wife who “went off the deep end” and left her family, becoming a stripper and prostitute. There too God's love and mercy triumphed, but it makes me profoundly grateful never to have faced anything of the sort myself. This is indeed one of the most apt pictures of how we treat God, and how He still loves us. Even when He has to punish us and leave us to the consequences of our actions, it breaks His heart. We tend to love little because we have such a small grasp of how much He loves us, and we are much the poorer for it.


I grew up in a home where unconditional love was the norm, and I couldn't begin to overestimate the value of that. I saw it between my parents, and I felt secure in it myself. Sadly, most people have not had that advantage, and they can't conceive of God's unconditional love for them. As I said yet again in the wedding I performed yesterday, human love is conditional practically by definition; it is only when we allow God's love to flow through us that we can love unconditionally. I strive to do this myself, but as a pastor I am called to teach others to do the same. When people haven't grown up in a loving environment like I did, they tend to disbelieve and distrust it even when it is offered to them. This is where my grasp of God's love is really tested. I am not to coddle – true love is anything but weak – but I am not to abandon anyone. Like the father in the story of the prodigal son, I've got to be ready to welcome them the moment they return.


Father, You are doing good things in this church, even though some of them are painful. Thank You. I ask You to enlarge me as a channel of Your love, even though I know that's a risky request. May I be so secure in Your love for me that nothing will hinder the flow of Your love through me, whether that love is received or not, so that hearts may be healed and many brought into Your full salvation, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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