

ルカ 7:47 「だから、わたしは『この女の多くの罪は赦されている』と言います。それは彼女がよけい愛したからです。しかし少ししか赦されない者は、少ししか愛しません。」

I think this story is often misunderstood, and/or misinterpreted. I doesn't seem to me that Jesus ways saying she was forgiven as a reward for loving, but rather that she loved so much because she had been forgiven. We tend to get that backward sometimes because of our misunderstanding of grace. It's not, “I've got to love God more so that He will forgive me,” it's “Wow! God has forgiven me so much, how could I not love Him?” Love for God is not something we work up or generate, it is the natural response and outflow when we understand how much He loves us. Part of the problem is in our limited understanding of sin. We don't know how how bad our own sins are, because we tend to excuse them, so we don't appreciate the magnitude of God's grace that forgiveness is available through the cross of Christ. Anyone who fails to love God is lacking in understanding of their own sinfulness, past and present. The other side of that is that we also need to understand that our sins really are forgiven, once we confess them to God in genuine repentance. Many people carry around guilt from past sins that are already dealt with, and that is crippling. We should not forget that humanly speaking we are so weak as to have committed those sins, but we are to rejoice that in Christ we are a new creation, declared holy by God and destined to grow into the likeness of His Son. When we really understand that, we will love God indeed!


So many people around me lack any real understanding of grace, love, and forgiveness. I keep coming back to this awareness, because it is the greatest barrier to people coming into God's full salvation. I have no persuasive power to open people's eyes to God's truth, but the Holy Spirit does, so I've got to rely on Him. I've done more than enough bemoaning of the cultural issues in this area that are such a trap to the Japanese. Rather, I need to look to God and trust and expect Him to set people free. Today's message is on expecting God to do marvelous things; I've got to do that myself! Understanding what God has done for me, I should be expecting Him to do it for others as well, and not be so surprised when it happens! I need to trust Him enough to release each person to Him, remembering how He has dealt with me so patiently and faithfully, and let His love flow through me to them. I am not to draw back when that love involves correction or even discipline, but I must be sure that it is His love and not my pride or hurt feelings. Remembering His grace toward me, I need to let that grace flow through me to others.


Father, thank You yet again for Your truly amazing grace. I have prayed to love You more; may I have an ever growing appreciation of Your love and grace so that I will indeed love You more, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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