

ミカ 6:8 主はあなたに告げられた。人よ。何が良いことなのか。主は何をあなたに求めておられるのか。それは、ただ公義を行い、誠実を愛し、へりくだって、あなたの神とともに歩むことではないか。

Few if any places in the whole Bible express, as succinctly or as clearly as this does, the difference between external religion and genuinely pleasing God. Verses 6 and 7 express what the standard religions of the day were saying would please God. Sacrifices of infants were common in the worship of Molech, and every religion of the day practiced animal sacrifice. However, as the Bible is very consistent in saying, God is more interested in our inner selves. Once again I don't know the Hebrew, but it is very interesting that where the English says “act justly,” the Japanese uses a rather unusual combination of characters. The only difference from the standard form is that in the pair of characters that mean “justice,” “public righteousness,” the character for “righteousness” does not have the radical meaning “man.” That puts this passage in line with standard NT usage, with a divine rather than a human standard. That is especially important in Japan, which is known for situational ethics rather than an absolute standard of right and wrong. It is increasingly important in the US, in which more and more people are saying that there is indeed no absolute standard. That's throwing out not just the Bible, but the whole concept of a Holy God! This verse brings us back to the basics in the best sort of way. We need to live according to God's standards of right and wrong, expressing them consistently to those around us, remembering that it is only by God's grace and power that we are able to do any of this.


I find myself continually confronted with the last part of that: I have no strength or ability to do any of this right on my own. I desire to communicate this sort of “religion” (which is worlds removed from man-centered organized religion) to others, but I am continually faced with my own inability. Humble obedience is the only answer! If I will be personally faithful and keep myself available to God, then He will do remarkable things through me, destroying the works of the devil in people's hearts and minds and setting them free to walk in His light and life. As long as my focus is on me, that cannot happen; it is only when my focus is on Him, in humble, joyful obedience.


Father, thank You for this reminder. Thank You for the assaults on Cathy's and my health that have happened in the past day or so, reminding us of our total dependence on You. Thank You for this training in submitting to You and not to the problem. Thank You for Your Word that by the wounds Christ bore, we are healed. (Isaiah 53:5) Thank You also that we have to appropriate that by faith. Help us do so, in all humility. May we walk in all Your good plans for us, and not allow the devil to steal anything, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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