

マタイ 17:4 すると、ペテロが口出ししてイエスに言った。「先生。私たちがここにいることは、すばらしいことです。もし、およろしければ、私が、ここに三つの幕屋を造ります。あなたのために一つ、モーセのために一つ、エリヤのために一つ。」

Peter's impulsiveness and his very human stupidity at times are what endear him to many people, because we recognize ourselves in him. I like it that the Japanese doesn't just say “it's good for us to be here,” (like the English says) but says, “It's wonderful!” There's no record of how the disciples knew it was Moses and Elijah, but Peter reacted like people tend to do with TV or movie stars today. He didn't really grasp that he lived day in and day out with the Son of God, and even Moses and Elijah were relatively small potatoes compared to Him! It was only when the Father spoke in an audible voice in the glowing cloud that surrounded even the disciples that it really hit Peter that he was in the presence of Deity. The problem was, he lived in the presence of Deity, and only had brief moments of recognition of that fact.


The old, “familiarity breeds contempt” thing works just as strongly in me, too. We all get used to blessings and take them for granted, and lose a good bit of the benefit over time. The past couple of days we have breezed by vistas that I wanted to stop and record with my camera, at least, but our local hosts were so used to them that they hardly even saw them. I'm no better off than they are, because my life is filled to overflowing with blessings I am so used to that I can't see they are blessings. I preach on gratitude, but I need to practice it! I find that I often get resistance and even resentment when I try to help others recognize their blessings, so I need to be gentle and patient with all. As in so many things, the key is in getting our eyes off of ourselves, and even off of what we have been given, and onto the One who gives them to us.


Father, thank You for this trip that You have provided for Cathy and me. Thank You for all we have already experienced, and for what today and tomorrow hold. Keep us from failing to recognize Your blessings because of being so fixated on our own agendas. May we be fully open, not only to receive what You want to give us but also for You to pour through us to others what You want to give them, so that in everything You may be glorified. Thank You. Praise God!


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