

マタイ 5:43-45 「『自分の隣人を愛し、自分の敵を憎め』と言われたのを、あなたがたは聞いています。しかし、わたしはあなたがたに言います。自分の敵を愛し、迫害する者のために祈りなさい。それでこそ、天におられるあなたがたの父の子どもになるのです。」

From our standpoint, Jesus redefined everything. His definitions of such things as love, joy, faithfulness, and religion are still at odds with the way society in general thinks. Even Christians face a constant challenge in maintaining a Biblical world view. A recent poll in the US showed that a distressingly small percentage of even those identified as “Evangelical Christians” had a genuinely Biblical world view. This particular passage is an excellent case in point. It is very famous, and I've had it quoted to me by several non-Christians, including some who were very antagonistic. They were giving me opportunity to practice what this says! Jesus' definition of love was certainly not sex and it wasn't even emotion. Jesus was talking about desiring the very best for the other person, to the point of being sacrificial about it. That is where “God is love” comes in. If we think of love as a schmaltzy, emotional thing, then “God is love” makes no sense at all. It is only when we recognize that the cross of Christ is the ultimate definition of love that we start to understand what it's all about. Loving people isn't about being a doormat (which is how some of our enemies want us to understand it, so they can walk all over us) it is about caring enough to do whatever is best for them, even at personal loss. This is where loving your children enough to discipline them comes in. It is often easier, at least in the short run, to cave in to children's demands, but a genuinely loving parent will expend the energy necessary to set boundaries and enforce them.


I have the incredible advantage of having been raised by parents with a Biblical world view, but that doesn't exempt me from the pressure to think like and define things as the world does. I've got to keep watch over my attitudes and thought processes to see that they line up with the Word, and repent quickly when I find they don't. As a pastor, I deal with people whose world views run the whole gamut, from Biblical to totally worldly. The temptation to associate with the former and avoid the latter is very real, but that in itself is part of the world's attitude, liking those who are like you and disliking those who aren't. I need to love them all with Godly love, desiring the very best for them and offering myself to God as His instrument of blessing for them. In that, I need to remember that God's very best for every human being is for them to be conformed to the likeness of His Son, and often that requires strong discipline. I need to love people enough to correct them, even at the risk of their rejecting me.


Father, that last point is one of the most painful in being a pastor, but You understand it far better than I do. Help me remember that my model is Jesus, who as Isaiah said was a man of sorrows, acquainted with grief (Isaiah 53), yet who rejoiced to be Your agent of salvation. Help me recognize and appropriate Your love for me enough to let it flow through me unhindered to all, to those who love me in return and to those who don't, just as You do, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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