

ホセア 14:9 知恵ある者はだれか。その人はこれらのことを悟るがよい。悟りある者はだれか。その人はそれらを知るがよい。主の道は平らだ。正しい者はこれを歩む。そむく者はこれにつまずく。

This verse could rightly be added to just about any place in the Bible! As it says in Proverbs and elsewhere, the true measure of wisdom is a right understanding of God, and that requires the help of the Holy Spirit. As Paul told the Corinthians, spiritual things are spiritually discerned. (1 Corinthians 2:14) The Bible is the Word of God, and someone with spiritual discernment is going to accept it as such. The Holy Spirit, being the Author, is certainly the best interpreter/commentator on the Bible. That said, the last part of this verse is really fascinating to me. The Japanese, being a more literal translation than the English NIV, says “The way of the Lord is level.” In a level road, there's nothing to make you stumble. However, it goes on to say that the rebellious will stumble there. It's all a matter of attitude. For example, if you are going up or down a staircase and have in your mind that there is one more, or one less, step than there really is, you will stumble when you reach the end. Likewise, you can be walking a level path and an optical illusion can make you think the way has a dip or a rise when it really doesn't, and you will stumble. The way of the Lord is very much like that. It takes submission and obedience to the Holy Spirit to help us understand just how level it really is, so we won't stumble. As long as we insist on making our own value judgments, we will stumble.


I've certainly experienced this in my own walk. Obedience to God is much easier in the long run than rebellion, whatever it looks like at the moment! The devil has done all he could to convince me that God was depriving me of what I should have, or that I didn't need something God was offering me, and there have been times when I've listened to the devil. The results have never been good! As I continue my life journey, I need to be sure that my feet are shod with the readiness of the gospel of peace (Ephesians 6:15) so that I will walk, with assurance, the level way God has laid out for me. As a pastor, I also need to help others understand this truth, as well as extend a loving hand when they do stumble.


Father, thank You for this insight this morning. It's a good one! I find myself torn about what I should speak on Sunday. Help me be faithful to listen to what You are saying to me and also discern what You want me to say to the flock, so that they will be nourished and guided and encouraged, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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