

ルカ 7:9 これを聞いて、イエスは驚かれ、ついて来ていた群衆のほうに向いて言われた。『あなたがたに言いますが、このようなりっぱな信仰は、イスラエルの中にも見たことがありません。」

I would like to have been there when Jesus was amazed! This was a blessing the Holy Spirit hadn't told Him was coming, and it knocked His socks off. I'm sure He felt good at least the rest of the day! For the person who is teaching the things of God, finding faith in someone is the highest reward, and this was faith of the highest order. Jesus had been trying to help his disciples understand who He was, and the Bible records in many places just how slow they were to learn. However, here was a Gentile who understood the authority that Jesus had, and he expressed that very clearly and practically. If we were to have that level of faith, we would never be anxious about anything, and we would be instant in our obedience! Real faith isn't an intellectual exercise, it's practical and immediate on the level of eating, sleeping, and breathing, even. What we say is important, as both Jesus (Matthew 12:36-37) and Paul (Romans 10:9, etc.) say, but if that is just words, it is meaningless. Real faith acts out the words that are spoken, as James points out throughout his letter, and this Roman centurion was a perfect example of that.


As a man of words, I've got to be constantly on the lookout that I don't stop with words, but follow through. I need to trust God with the kind of faith the centurion had, both knowing that He can do something and acting accordingly. I sing, and say, that God can do anything and nothing is too difficult for Him, but I still get anxious and think of contingency plans if He doesn't follow through. That's not real faith! I'm not to insist that He do whatever I have dreamed up, but I am to expect Him to be absolutely true to His Word.


Father, too often I've blamed You, at least subconsciously, for things that were the result of my failures. Forgive me. Help me trust You in practical terms all the time, knowing that Your plans are indeed for my good. Keep me from complaining, even internally. Keep me pressing forward in all You have for me, not doubting You for a moment but exercising the faith You have given me, so that Your will may be accomplished for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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