

マタイ 6:25 だから、わたしはあなたがたに言います。自分のいのちのことで、何を食べようか、何を飲もうかと心配したり、また、からだのことで、何を着ようとか心配したりしてはいけません。いのちは食べ物よりたいせつのもの、からだは着物よりたいせつなものではありませんか。

In English I have heard some good, “punny” advice for Bible reading: When there's a “therefore,” be sure you understand what it's there for. In Japanese, I would make a slightly more stretched pun. “Dakara” (therefore) is very similar to “takara” (treasure). Any time you find a “dakara,” it's likely to indicate a treasure of truth! The particular treasure that hit me from this morning's passage is that this one word links Jesus' very clear statement that no one can serve two masters, with His telling us equally clearly, and in more detail, not to worry. In other words, worrying means we're not really serving God! As the Lord had me say in a message a few weeks ago, if we're submitted to a problem, we are not submitted to God. We have such trouble believing all of the reality that God both knows and cares about every detail of our lives. The better we know God, the more we will trust Him and submit every detail of our lives to Him. If He's in control, why should we worry?


I grew up in an atmosphere that encouraged trusting God, so for me the problem has been in distinguishing between trusting and presuming. I have wasted time and energy being anxious, and I have wasted opportunities being presumptuous. I have sinned in both areas. This isn't the sort of thing we can decide once and be done with, because temptations to anxiety and presumption come every day. I need to start, continue, and end each day with a conscious attitude of trusting obedience. I am to delight in the blessings God pours out on me, but I must never forget they are grace, and not anything I have earned. Thinking about it, being anxious is practically spitting in the face of God, because it is saying we don't trust Him, even after all He has done to demonstrate His love. As a pastor I deal with many anxious people. I am not to put them down, because I've been there. Rather, I am gently and firmly to point them to God, expressing His love and character in terms they can understand, so they can choose to serve Him and not their physical needs or desires.


Father, thank You for repeating this truth to me. Help me remember how many times You have had to tell me the same thing, so that I will have patience and understanding toward those to whom I speak Your truth. Thank You for what You are doing in this church, for the very real and very good changes I am seeing. It is doubly ironic when I am anxious about the church, because it's Your church to begin with! Help me be faithful in prayer and service, without thinking that I personally make anything happen. Help me be available at all times as Your instrument, so that You can make Your will happen in all that touches me, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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