

ヨエル 2:13 あなたがたの着物ではなく、あなたがたの心を引き裂け。あなたがたの神、主に立ち返れ。主は情け深く、あわれみ深く、怒るのにおそく、恵み豊かで、わざわいを思い直してくださるからだ。

The idea of tearing your clothing as a sign of contrition or grief is common in the Bible, but it's certainly not current today. The point of this verse, however, is clear: don't try to impress God with conventionalized piety, because it won't work. Rather, get real and repentant before Him. God reminds us through Joel of His character. If we forget what God is like, we will either fail to come to Him or we will take Him for granted, and either of those courses is spiritually very dangerous. God allows trials in our lives to wake us up to our sinfulness and our need for Him. Thinking “I've done nothing to deserve this” when something bad happens is very risky. Our first course should always be honest self-examination, with genuine repentance when it is called for. At times, as with Job or with the man born blind in John 9, our trials don't have anything to do with sin. If the Holy Spirit doesn't show us anything of which we should repent, then the next step is to ask God what He wants us to learn through the trial. Sometimes He will tell us, but often a major part of what He wants us to learn is trust, both simple and deep. This is what Job was expressing when he said, “Though He slay me, yet will I trust Him.” (Job 13:15) Eventually the Lord showed Job that he had indeed held too small a conception of God, but then that is true for all of us. I'm sure that Job's faith was absolutely rock solid when everything was said and done! God will never allow anything in our lives that can't be for our good (Romans 8:28), but the level of blessing we receive depends on our honest response to God.

着物を引き裂く事は、聖書では悔恨や嘆きの共通の行為ですが、現代社会では見受けられません。この節のポイントは明白です。様式化した月並みの敬虔さで神に臨んではいけないということです。役に立たないからです。むしろ、神の御前、現実的になり悔い改めるべきです。神はヨエルと彼の性質を通して私たちに思い出させてくださっています。神がどのような方なのかを忘れると、神に近づかないか、あるいは神を当然視してしまうでしょう。そのいずれも、霊的に危険なことです。罪深さと神の必要性を気づかせるために、神は私たちの人生に試練を与えられます。何か悪いことが起こった時に、「私はこれに値するような悪いことは何もしていない。」と 考えるのはとても危険です。まず第一にすべきは、正直に自己吟味をすることです。求めに応じ、真の悔い改めをすることです。ヨブや、ヨハネ9章に出てくる生まれつき盲目の男のように、試練と罪とは無関係です。聖霊様が何を悔い改めるべきかを示して下さらないなら、次のステップは試練を通して学ぶべきことを神に尋ねましょう。神が語られることもありますが、ほとんどの場合、私たちに信頼を学ばせたいのです。単純で深いことです。ヨブが「主が私を殺しても、私は主を待ち望む」と表現しているとおりです。(ヨブ13:15)最終的に主はヨブが神を少ししか分かっていなかったことを示されましたが、私たちみんなにも言えることです。すべてが語られ、なされた時、ヨブの信仰は完全に強固だったと私は確信します。神はすべてのことを働かせて益としてくださいます。(ローマ8:28)けれども、私たちが受ける祝福の度合いは神への誠実な応じ方にかかっています。

I've run head-on into this in my own life, and certainly in the lives of those to whom I minister. The difficulty comes in sharing this truth with someone without making them feel you are disregarding their suffering and putting them down for it in the process! There's no question that I don't have the wisdom to do that consistently on my own, so I've got to be constantly seeking God's grace, guidance and anointing, to relate rightly with those around me. Recently the Lord has been giving me a higher perspective on my own difficulties, even including the oral pain I've been having the past couple of days, and it certainly makes things much easier to tolerate. I'm still learning, though! I need to be as gracious with others as God has been with me, and that requires a growing awareness and appreciation of that grace.


Father, thank You for all You allow me to experience. I can't say it's all fun, but the joy certainly outweighs the pain in the long run. Thank You for the pain as well as for the joy, because You mean it all for my good. Help me be increasingly conformed to the likeness of Your Son, so that through me many may be drawn from death to life, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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