

アモス 5:18 ああ。主の日を待ち望む者。主の日はあなたがたにとっていったい何になる。それはやみであって、光ではない。

I doubt that this is anyone's favorite Scripture! At first glance, it seems in contradiction to much of the rest of the Bible, but there are actually quite a few passages that say much the same thing. The key is to whom they are addressed. Amos was not talking to people who were “acting justly, loving mercy, and walking humbly with their God.” (Micah 6:8) Rather, Amos was talking to people who were going through the motions of Yahweh worship, but their hearts were actually committed to various idols. Today we might not have specific idols we pray to, but if our hearts are committed to anything other than our Creator, our worship is a sham, and God has no interest in it. That's why John the Baptist, and then Jesus, proclaimed, “Repent, and believe the good news.” Without repentance, there can be no true acceptance of the Gospel. The good news of Jesus isn't something we can tack onto everything else in our lives, it has to be at the core of our being and govern everything else. For the hypocrite, the Day of the Lord is indeed one of terrible judgment, but for the repentant one who is trusting in Christ alone, it is a day of vindication, reward, and great joy.


I don't deal with too many sham Christians, but I do deal with a few. Personally, my concerns need to be that I myself don't fall into hypocrisy, and that those I lead to faith repent indeed, and not just go through some formula. That doesn't mean I need to be a witch hunter, always doubting people's sincerity, but it does mean that I've got to be very clear that you can't tack Jesus onto anything; He must be Lord. That immediately brings me to the situation that I and every Christian faces, of having lapses in our allegiance. There, too, the answer is repentance, not covering up. We have such trouble believing that God's forgiveness is real, and that becomes a major hindrance to repentance. We don't want to confess something if it's going to be held against us. I've got to be careful that I don't hold things against people myself, but rather extend to them the grace that has been poured out on me.


Father, this is a very practical reality for all of us. Help me be fully clear about the necessity of repentance and the reality of forgiveness. We all need the revelation of Your Spirit on those issues. Help me be firm in my own grasp and application of them, and help me communicate them effectively to everyone, believers and non-believers alike, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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