

ルカ 15:10 「あなたがたに言いますが、それと同じように、ひとりの罪人が悔い改めるなら、神の御使いたちに喜びがわき起こるのです。」

The simple fact of the matter is, it is a joyful thing when someone gets saved by repentance and faith. It's odd, really, but sometimes we forget that. On the other hand, we also sometimes forget that salvation requires repentance, and people who “join the church” without acknowledging and repenting of their sins are indeed not saved. A person may go through the motions, and indeed have copious tears in the process, without really repenting, not of the consequences of their sins but of the sin itself. Esau is a good example of that, as it points out in Hebrews 12:16-17. He “repented” of the consequences of his attitude, but he didn't repent of the attitude itself. Recognizing that sin has consequences is an important step toward repentance, but “into bliss and out of blister,” as my grandfather used to put it, is not a Biblical description of salvation. My grandfather's point was that some people think that saying a little formula will get you from hell to heaven, without repentance demonstrated by a changed life, and it doesn't work that way. John the Baptist had that very clear. (Matthew 3:8 and Luke 3:8) The other side of that, though is that we aren't to go around being “salvation inspectors.” That's putting ourselves in God's place, ant that's a very serious sin in itself. We are to keep our own repentance up to date, and as we share the Gospel we are to be clear in communicating that repentance is necessary, but God is the ultimate judge of repentance and salvation, not us.


As a pastor I need to be very clear on this issue. I need to be gracious and loving, but also discerning, which isn't the same as judging but all too often is confused with it. I am to rejoice whenever anyone expresses repentance, but at the same time I'm not to take everything at face value, particularly in assigning responsibility. Paul was clear in 1 Timothy 3 that people are to be evaluated as John the Baptist indicated before they are to be given responsibility in the Church. I am to present as open a door as possible, but as Jesus said, that door is narrow, compared to what the world offers. I must remember that the kingdom of God is not a matter of legalism, but of righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. (Romans 14:17)


Father, sometimes I go too much one way and sometimes too much the other on this issue. Help me rejoice indeed with people who express repentance, while being Your agent in helping them learn to walk it out in daily living, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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