

マタイ 17:4 すると、ペテロが口出ししてイエスに言った。「先生。私たちがここにいるのは、すばらしいことです。もし、およろしければ、私が、ここに三つの幕屋を造ります。あなたのために一つ、モーセのために一つ、エリヤのために一つ。」

Even with a long track record of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time, this has got to be one of Peter's gems. The turns of phrase in the Japanese translation make that even clearer than in the English. We have a tendency to feel superior to Peter in this situation, but actually, we do no better. We are forever wanting to “do the right thing,” and jump in where God hasn't directed us. I feel the major lesson from this is that we are constantly to be available to God for whatever He wants us to do, but we aren't to go around trying to figure out how we can help Him. God uses people, but that's not the same thing as His needing our help. He gives us the privilege of participating in what He is doing, but if He finds no one willing to serve, He simply does the job by Himself. (Isaiah 59:16, 63:5) Our job is to be available as channels of His power and ability, not to contribute anything He hasn't placed in us in the first place.

ペテロは、変なときに変な発言をするのに、かなりの実績を積み重ねましたが、これはその頂点の一つに違いありません。日本語のほうは、英語よりも、それが明らかです。この場合、私たちは自分がペテロより優れている、と思いがちですが、実は、私たちは優れていません。私たちはいつも「良いことをする」と思って、神様の支持なしに行動してしまいがちです。この箇所から学ぶべきことは、私たちはいつも神様に用いられる用意をしながら、「どういうふうに神様を助けられるか」を考えないことです。神様が人を用いますが、私たちの助けを必要としているわけではありません。神様の行動に参加する特権を私たちに与えますが、使える者を見つけなければ、自分で成し遂げます。(イザヤ59:16;63:5) 私たちの役割は、神様の力と能力の管になることです。私たちにあるものはすべて神様からいただいていますから。

This is something I need to be very careful to keep in focus, particularly when the Lord has just spoken through me as effectively as He has done the past two Sundays. Human nature tends to think, I can do something for God, when we should be overwhelmed with gratitude that God would choose to use us. In 1 Corinthians 1 Paul goes to some length to make it clear that no human being has any boasting room before God. The minute I start thinking that God uses me because I'm really something, I've fallen into a terrible trap. The history of the Church has countless examples of people who have been caught in that trap, and I must not add to their number!


Father, I do thank You for Your great grace in speaking through me. Yesterday's message, if we follow through in obedience, will make a massive difference, not just in this church but in the Body of Christ throughout Japan. We need lots of guidance and revelation in how we are to follow through, so that is what I ask for. Thank You for the resources You have already provided. I ask for wisdom in how to implement discipleship training as You intend, rather than as someone has figured out, so that Your purposes for us, as individuals and as a body, may be fulfilled on Your schedule for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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