

エペソ 4:7-16

S: エペソ 4:12-13 それは、聖徒たちを整えて奉仕の働きをさせ、キリストのからだを建て上げるためであり、ついに、私たちがみな、信仰の一致と神の御子に関する知識の一致とに達し、完全におとなになって、キリストの満ち満ちた身たけにまで達するためです。

O: Spiritual maturity is of absolute, vital importance, and it is the charge of those set into the Body as “five-fold ministers.” (verse 11) The difficulty comes in the immaturity of the ministers themselves, as well as in the immaturity of the saints. It's a constant journey, both for sheep and for shepherds. This whole thing is closely connected. We aren't going to become fully adult, to the full stature of Christ, until the ministers prepare the saints and get them moving in active ministry. In that process, unity of faith and knowledge will be birthed, because the saints will be living out their faith and knowledge and it will become truly part of them. Saints on the sidelines aren't growing! A major difficulty to all of this is our inertia and our ignorance of the gifts God has placed in us. The majority of saints do little if any ministry because either they think they aren't qualified, or they think it's too much work. It is the job of the “five-fold ministers” to educate the saints both in their gifts and in the many opportunities to exercise those gifts. Another difficulty is in emotional immaturity, both in the ministers and in the saints. When we react like little children, pitching fits or going into sulks like 2-year-olds, it benefits no one! This is where it really can get difficult for the minister, because emotional scars going back dozens of years sometimes have to be dealt with, and only the Holy Spirit can do that.

O: 霊的成熟は絶対的にとても重要で「五つのつとめ」(11節)としてキリストの体に組み入れられための責任です。聖徒の未成熟とミニストリー事態の未成熟から困難が生じます。羊にとっても羊飼いにとっても常に旅です。全てのことは密接に繋がっているのですから。私たちはキリストの体のために完全な大人になることはできません。それができるのは聖徒のためにミニストリーが整えられ、実際の行動が起こされてからです。この過程で、信仰と知識の一致が生まれます。なぜなら聖徒は信仰と知識のうちに住み、それが真実、組み込まれるからです。傍観的な聖徒は成長しません!最大の問題は私たちの持つ惰性であり、神様が下さった賜物を知らないでいることにあります。聖徒の殆どは、ミニストリーの働きに自分たちは価しないか、あるいは過度の奉仕であると考えてしまい、ミニストリーを殆ど行いません。聖徒を賜物と、それらを活かす機会の両方を教えられるのは「五つのつとめ」です。それ以外にも、奉仕、聖徒の面での情緒的な未成熟が挙げられます。幼子のように反応すると、癇癪を起したり、2歳児のようにむくれてしまいます。それでは誰のためにもなりません!これが奉仕する際の厄介なことです。はるか過去に戻り、受けた傷と向き合わねばならないからです。しかし、それができるのは聖霊様だけなのです。

A: I am certainly in the middle of this. I recognize my own lack of full maturity even as I seek to help the saints become mature. As Paul said in 2 Corinthians 2:16, who is equal to such a task? All I can do is walk humbly before my God, depending on the Holy Spirit to say and do the things that are needed, which I certainly couldn't do on my own. I must not run from confrontation when that is called for, but I must always speak the truth in love, and never to inflate myself. By personality I have a strong desire to avoid confrontation, and that has gotten me into trouble as many times as it has kept me from it, I think. I need to see myself as nothing and Christ as everything, so that I will be useful to Him in building His Body by preparing the saints for ministry.

A: 私はまさにこの問題の渦中にあります。聖徒の成熟を願い求めていますが、私自身が十分に成熟できていないのを認めます。2コリント2:16でパウロが語っているように、このような務めに相応しい人は一体だれなのでしょう?私にできることは神の御前、謙虚に歩むことです。成すべきことのために何を語り、何をするか、聖霊様に頼ることです。私一人ではできないからです。求められれば、避けることなく対峙せねばなりません。その際も愛をもって真実を語り、私そのものを誇張しないようにせねばなりません。私の性格からして、対立は極力、避けたいのですが、これまで、対立を避けたがために問題が生じてしまったことが多くあるように思います。キリストがすべてであり、私が小さなものであることを知るべきです。そして奉仕のために聖徒を整え、キリストの体を建て上げるために用いられたいと望んでいます。

P: Father, thank You for the huge learning opportunity You are giving me. Help me not run from it. This season is very busy, but that is no excuse not to follow through. Guide as I call a church board meeting, that everyone will be able to meet in Your timing. Guide in all that is said in that meeting, that together we would arrive at unity in our obedience to You. I desire Your best for each member of this body and for the body as a whole, and I know You desire it more than I do. Help me submit to You and resist the devil on every front, so that he may flee and we become all that You desire and intend, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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