

詩篇 37:25-26 私は若かったときも、また年老いた今も、正しい者が見捨てられたり、その子孫が食べ物を請うのを見たことがない。その人はいつも情け深く人に貸す。その子孫は祝福を得る。

This whole Psalm is all the more impressive because David states here that he is saying these things as a “senior adult.” Without that affirmation, we might be tempted to think it was little more than a collection of platitudes. With that affirmation, we know that this is wisdom gained from a lifetime of loving God, not perfectly and not without making some bad mistakes, but still submitting to Him in humble appreciation. David is very much one of the “great cloud of witnesses” mentioned in Hebrews 12:1, who testify to the faithfulness of God. A cynic would dismiss practically everything in this Psalm, which shows that cynicism doesn't know the heart of God! We know that, because the Bible explicitly states that David was a man after God's own heart. (Acts 13:22) The fact remains that commitment to God brings multi-generational blessing; He can be trusted.


I have benefited immensely from this principle because of the faithfulness of my parents and grandparents. I wonder at times how much my children appreciate how they benefit as well. God is too good a Father to give us instant “easy street;” He knows we need to be trained and grow in trust and obedience. I need to teach my spiritual children (since my physical children are somewhat out of reach both in distance and age) to trust God and walk in obedience so that they may walk in the abundance of blessing that God has prepared for them. There are precious few multi-generational Christians in Japan; I need to work to increase their number! I had occasion to say to someone just the other day that God desires Christian homes and families. That has always been and will always be true. From the time of Abraham on, God has spoken of and bestowed generational blessing. I need to communicate that gracious truth in ways that will encourage and build people up, whether they are currently in a Christian family or not.


Father, thank You again for Your grace to me. I certainly didn't choose my parents and grandparents! Help me be a good steward of the spiritual riches that have been poured out on me, with no trace of conceit but with profound gratitude, so that the works of the devil may be destroyed and many brought into Your kingdom, for their salvation and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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