

詩篇 86:11 主よ。あなたの道を私に教えてください。私はあなたの真理のうちを歩みます。私の心を一つにしてください。御名を恐れるように。

There are many good things in this Psalm, but this particular verse grabs me every time I read it. For once there are no significant differences between the translations in the two languages, though I do wish the Japanese had used the character for “fear” that means “deep respect” rather than the one that can mean “terror.” That said, this is a very meaningful passage. In the first place, we have to know God's way before we can be obedient to Him. He doesn't say, “Obey Me,” and then fail to give us directions. This is why He spoke to and through Moses and the prophets, it's a big reason Jesus came, and it's why God had it all recorded in the Bible. It is also why He commissions us to communicate the Gospel, and it is a major function of the Holy Spirit. When we receive God's Word, then we are responsible to walk in it. That word is truth indeed, in direct contrast to the lies of the devil. It is unfortunate that the characters for “truth” are read with the same sounds as the characters for “psychology,” because there is often a vast difference between the two!


The second half of the verse is what grabs me particularly. Probably every language has proverbs or idioms referring to “doublemindedness,” or something of the sort, because it is a common human condition. We end up undecided between two positions on an issue, and it can be paralyzing. David's desire, echoed by every true believer, is to be so focused on God as to choose Him in every situation, not wavering but giving Him the honor and obedience He deserves.


It would be nice if I could say that my heart was always undivided in obedience to God, but that's sadly not the case. People look at me and assume I'm better than I am. I have to keep watch, because the enemy of my soul is constantly looking for ways to trip me up, and at times he succeeds. I am quite prone to distractions, failing to focus on the task at hand because something else has grabbed my attention. I need to be active in my pursuit of God, recognizing the traps of the enemy and standing firm against him, so that I may not wander from God's path.


Father, thank You that You are faithful and reliable, even though I am not. Thank You for the Bible in all its richness, and thank You for speaking to me in other ways as well. Thank You for Your gracious generosity in speaking Your truth to and through me. Help me be faithful not just in communicating it to others but in walking in it moment by moment myself. Particularly, may this church be a community of disciples, fully committed to You and Your kingdom, so that all that You desire to do through us may be fulfilled, for the salvation of many, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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