

詩篇 92:12-14 正しい者は、なつめやしの木のように栄え、レバノンの杉のように育ちます。彼らは、主の家に植えられ、私たちの神の大庭で栄えます。彼らは年老いてもなお、実を実らせ、みずみずしく、おい茂っていましょう。

The Bible talks about everyone from nursing infants (Psalm 8:2) to old people being active in serving God. There is a place for “age appropriate” programs in the church, but excessive emphasis on that can deprive everyone of the richness of inter-generational interaction and service. Paul admonishes Timothy not to let anyone despise him for his youth (1 Timothy 4:12), and this passage and others in Psalms speak of fruitful old age. The old have wisdom, the young have vigor, and everyone has a place and something to contribute. I certainly don't think age will be an issue in heaven!


Considering that I'm already well past the average life expectancy of even a couple of generations ago, this is very germane. People bring up the subject of retirement around me with increasing frequency, but I don't see that as anything pressing. I am not to get in the way of younger people, but I am to be active in allowing the Lord to use me in my current station in life. I want to keep bearing fruit! I am not to berate myself for not being younger, but neither am I to write myself off because of how many birthdays I've had. My job and my privilege is to be faithful and fruitful for as long as the Lord keeps me here, and that could even be another 30 years!


Father, thank You for Your faithfulness to use me, and for the prospect of Your doing that for some time to come. I certainly look forward to heaven, but I don't want to skip out on anything You have for me to do here. Thank You for the two new song translations You've given me in the past couple of days. That's certainly not something that's age-dependent! Thank You for the good level of health You have given me. Help me be a good steward of this body so that health issues won't get in the way of fruitfulness. Thank You for the message You've given me for this morning, and for the growing understanding You're giving me of the spiritual warfare issues in Japan. I see enormous potential for harvest, and I look forward to participating in it. I ask You to allow me to see the harvest in Japan that my parents prayed and worked for, bringing multitudes into Your kingdom, for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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