

詩篇 91:14 彼がわたしを愛しているから、わたしはかれを助け出そう。彼がわたしの名を知っているから、わたしは彼を高く上げよう。

Though this is clearly something God is saying, the Japanese doesn't put it in quotes and add “says the Lord” the way the English does, presumably because the Hebrew doesn't. Likewise, the NIV is much more interpretive (rather than literal) when it says “protect” and “acknowledges,” where the Japanese says “lift high” and “knows.” I think the NIV is defensible here, because we put such a limited definition on “know.” In OT Hebrew usage, marital intimacy is referred to as “knowing,” and we can hardly grasp the implications when the same word is used of “knowing” the name of God! This is much the same as our shallow understanding of praying “in Jesus' Name.” Cultures back then identified a person with their name much more closely that we do, to the point that we have a hard time understanding what some passages are really saying. Only as we gain understanding of this sort of usage do we grasp such statements as “The Name of the Lord is a strong and mighty tower.” (Proverbs 18:10) What the Lord is saying in this Psalm is that someone who knows Him intimately has no reason to fear anything, because, as Paul says, that person's life is “hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3) We should be more concerned about getting close to God than about protecting ourselves, because if you've achieved the one, you've achieved the other and far more besides.


Intimacy with God has been a major goal for me for a long time, but it doesn't always operate as my primary goal. That needs to change! I've got to put Christ first and foremost in everything, refusing the many distractions of the world, my flesh, and the devil. That isn't to say that I'm to ignore everything else, but it is to say that I am to pursue intimacy with God in the middle of everything else I am doing. After all, He never leaves me, so I should be aware of His presence at all times and act accordingly. This is a seemingly simple principle, and it is interesting how very hard it can be to put it into practice consistently!


Father, thank You for Your patience with me as I slowly grow to be more like Jesus. Thank You for not giving up on me! You know better than I do that I can't do any of this in my own strength, but I commit my will to You, so that You may accomplish it in me, for Your pleasure and glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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