

詩篇 66:18 もし私の心にいだく不義があるなら、主は聞き入れてくださらない。

This verse is generally translated in the past tense (If I had cherished...) in English, but this Japanese translation puts it clearly in the present tense (If I cherish...). For a verse that is as familiar as this one is, that simple difference is refreshing. Prayer and answers to prayer are ongoing, so we need to keep continual watch over our hearts. We can't say, I cleaned up my heart so now I don't have to worry about it, any more than I could say that about my study! Just as my study quickly becomes cluttered with all sorts of stuff, so our hearts become cluttered with the flotsam of the world, so to speak. We need to let the Holy Spirit keep washing it out, not thinking that once it's done we can ignore it. It becomes a real problem when we start hanging onto things that aren't pleasing to God. When we refuse to let go then we cut off communication with God, because we have placed something ahead of Him in our values. As Jesus said, where your treasure is, there your heart will be. (Matthew 6:21) We are called to cherish God and our relationship with Him before, above, and beyond anything else. If we will do that, He will give us all we need and much more. (Matthew 6:33).


It is interesting, and so like God, for Him to point out something like this when I am speaking on money this morning. I've got to remember that priorities are far more than finances, though finances are going to be indicative of my priorities. I have certainly experienced ups and downs in my level of intimacy with God, and it's for sure that He hasn't changed! I've got to keep my repentance up to date, never presuming on past grace but always pressing into Him. I have seen many answers to prayer, but I know I have a lot of room to grow in that area as well. If I desire constant communication with my Lord, and I do, then I've got to keep out of the junk that blocks the signals (to use a cell-phone analogy).


Father, thank You for all You've brought me through to bring me to right now. Thank You for all You will take me through to bring me to Your throne. Help me indeed cherish You above, before, and beyond everything else, not slighting my relationships with others but keeping them in alignment. Help me understand on every level that You are my greatest joy, my greatest treasure, and not let the devil deceive me with any of his lies. Keep me from pride and from deception of any sort. May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart be pleasing to You, Lord, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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