

詩篇 48:9 神よ。私たちは、あなたの宮の中で、あなたの恵みを思い巡らしました。

It shouldn't be limited to there, but one purpose of having a specific place of worship is that by association, simply going there can prompt meditation on God's love and grace. Actually, the Japanese translation uses a phrase that I think registers much better than the “meditate” used by the NIV, and that is “to think over, to mull.” That's something we tend to do all the time, while meditation sounds like something to be done in a monastery. The question isn't so much whether we will run things over in our mind, but rather what we will be thinking about. One of my wife's “favorite” hymns is “Count Your Blessings.” (She likes so many, and for good reason, that the word “favorite” loses much of its edge.) This verse and that song are actually talking about exactly the same thing. If we focus on what we see as undesirable and mull it over in our minds, it will only lead to depression and/or a sour disposition. On the other hand, if we focus on God's love and grace toward us, then our spirits are lifted and we spend our days in anticipation of the next good thing God is going to do for us. When we live like that, not only do we enjoy life a lot more, we are much more pleasant to be around!

必ずしも特定の場で有る必要はありませんが、礼拝のための具体的な場を持つことの目的は、その場に行くと神様の愛と恵みに思い巡らすことのできる場を多いつくことにあるでしょう。ここでの日本語「思いを巡らす」は、NIVで使われている「熟考、瞑想する」より、はるかに良い意味合いを含んでいると思います。それこそ私たちが常日頃から、そうありたい態度です。熟考、瞑想は修道院に相応しい言葉に思えます。ここで問題となるのは思いを巡らすことにあるのではなく、むしろ何について思いを馳せるべきかにあります。家内のお気に入りの賛美歌に「Count Your Blessings.」があります。(家内は沢山の賛美歌が好きで、お気にいりという表現では不十分なくらいなのですが)今日の節とその賛美歌の歌詞は全く同じものです。もし私たちが好ましくないことにばかり集中し、考え込んでしまうならば、ウツになるか不快な思いに陥るだけでしょう。けれども、もし神様の愛と恵みに目を向けるならば、私たちの霊性は高められ、神様が私たちのためにしてくださる次の良きことに期待して日々を過ごせることでしょう。そうした生き方ができれば、生活を楽しめるばかりではなく、周囲にとってもさらに快適となれるでしょう。

I think I do better than many in this area, but I still have a lot of room for growth. I'm no stranger to insomnia! Recently the Lord has been telling me in various ways that I need to focus on the good instead of the bad, and this morning's reading is a continuation of that. My recent blood work, showing a considerable imbalance in my HDL/LDL cholesterol levels despite a healthy lifestyle, is an indication of how much I need to take this to heart, since stress is the one variable that I've not been consciously addressing. Even my body is telling me I need to be focusing on God's love and grace toward me!


Father, thank You indeed for Your grace and Your patience. Thank You for yesterday and all it held. Thank You also for getting us through the very packed schedule. Thank You for the many good things You are doing in and around us. Thank You for the abundance of testimonies in the service, and for how well the business meeting went. Thank You for the fellowship afterward, and for the way You are answering prayer in that respect. Father, help me let go of the things I've been trying to carry myself, emotionally, that You never intended me to carry. Help me indeed rest and rejoice in You, mulling over Your goodness to me instead of being distracted by all the junk, so that I may walk in all that You intend and nothing less, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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