

詩篇 42:8 昼には、主が恵みを施し、夜には、その歌が私とともにあります。私のいのち、神への、祈りが。

Yet again the Japanese uses “grace” where the English uses “love,” but then the word for “grace” carries strong overtones of “blessing,” and is often used with that meaning. In any case, the writer is dealing with depression, and for that reason this Psalm and the one following (which was probably originally connected, and only got separated by a later editor) are extremely appropriate for modern society. Today we try to deal with depression using various medications, but since the problem is deeper than that, drugs are palliative at best. The psalmist had a better idea: focus on God and let His truth, His presence straighten things out. This verse is very insightful. In the first half he reminds himself that God pours His grace/love out on him daily, but it is the second half that is most interesting. Depression often interferes with sleep, so as a man of faith, the psalmist spends that time in prayer, and calls it “the song of the Lord.” As someone battling depression, his prayers might not have been very “uplifting” if someone had overheard them, but the point is that he was focusing in on God, because he knew that was the solution, both for his depression and for whatever circumstances had led to it. It is likely that he also was indeed letting lyrics of praise and worship songs run through his mind. That too is an excellent idea!


I've certainly had my own struggles in this area, because the devil is relentless in his efforts to steal our peace and joy. I've practiced this verse many times! As I often tell others, the only real answer to depression is getting our focus off of ourselves and onto God, choosing to trust Him with ourselves and our circumstances. Even knowing that so well, I have to choose to apply it on a day-to-day, moment-by-moment basis, and I'm not 100% successful in that. When I am dealing with others who are battling depression I am never to take their struggles lightly, but I also must not back down from the truth that God is the answer, and seek to help them get their eyes off of themselves and onto Him.


Father, thank You again for Your faithfulness. Thank You for being worthy of our trust. Thank You for Your gentle patience with our weakness. Help me exercise that same patience toward others, with-out leaving them to wallow in self pity. Help me remember that You are indeed the answer to every problem, both in my life and in the lives of those I deal with, and that often Your answer is to change us rather than changing our circumstances. Thank You for being God. Help me communicate You in every situation, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise the Lord!


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