

詩篇 97:6-7 天は主の義を告げ、すべての国々の民は主の栄光を見る。偶像に仕える者、むなしいものを誇りとする者は、みな恥を見よう。すべての神々よ。主にひれ伏せ。

Science has explained various natural phenomena to the point that we tend to forget that God designed it all and that He still maintains control. He's not some “Divine Watchmaker,” as thinkers in the Enlightenment Period liked to say, but rather someone who not only created but also remains intimately concerned with every detail of His creation. Familiarity indeed breeds contempt, to the point that we become blasé about even pictures from the ISS and Hubble. (Well, pictures from the Hubble telescope still have some power to awe us.) The point is that we need to remember where all that magnificence came from, and know that it is God's glory. Verse seven seems particularly applicable to countries like Japan and India that have multitudes of idols. America has been monotheistic since its inception, so the command for all gods to kneel before God the Creator doesn't necessarily click, but it is very applicable in Japan!


Ministering to a multicultural congregation as I do (not to mention the fact that my messages are accessible around the world on the Internet), I need to be careful that I don't speak to just one culture, but allow God's Word to speak to us all. Cross-cultural evangelism has its challenges, but it also forces me to examine what is faith and what is culture. I have long been aware that many missionaries have taught culture as though it were faith, and I have understood how wrong that is. However, I haven't always been free of that myself! The point I've got to remember and teach is that truly Biblical culture is at odds with every human culture at one point or another. I need to seek to be relevant to the various cultures to which I minister, but not let that be an excuse for compromise. I need to proclaim the truth in love, and ask the Holy Spirit to keep me straight on what is truth and what is simply unquestioned culture.


Father, thank You that You can keep it all straight! Help me indeed trust and obey You, and not lean on my own understanding. There's no other way I can minister effectively to all the people You bring my way. Thank You for the ways in which You use me to challenge cultural assumptions. Keep me from conceit, but help me rest securely in the assurance of Your truth, speaking that truth in love and demonstrating it with my life, so that as many as possible may be rescued from the deceptions of the devil and brought into the liberty of Your Spirit, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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