

ヨハネ 6:59-69

S: ヨハネ 6:63-64 「いのちを与えるのは御霊です。肉は何の益ももたらしません。わたしがあなたがたに話したことばは、霊であり、またいのちです。しかし、あなたがたのうちには信じない者がいます。」

O: We are so quick to forget the truth that Jesus spoke here. We want to figure things out with our human intellect, fixing things ourselves, forgetting that the flesh is of no benefit. The path to peace, joy, and life is Jesus Christ Himself (John 14:6), and He comes to us by His Spirit. Going through physical routines, “serving God,” if you will, is not what imparts life to us. There is a world of difference between obedience to what God says to us by His Spirit and trying to “get on His good side” by doing religious things.


A: This is something I've got to keep in focus for myself, and it's something I've got to be consistent in teaching the believers. At the same time, I've got to remember that even Jesus had problems with people who didn't really receive the life-giving words He had to say. I am to seek always to speak God's truth in love by His Spirit, but I am not to despair when not everyone receives the words that come through me, and I am certainly not to let a lack of reception keep me from speaking. The Lord took care of that issue unequivocally with Ezekiel. (Ezekiel 33:1-9) People have free will and their decisions are up to them, but I must not bring their blood on my head by failing to speak the Word of the Lord to them.

A: 私自身が焦点を合わせ続け、そして信者にも常に教え続けていかねばならいことがあります。イエスでさえ、命を与えるイエスの言葉を受け入れなかった人に苦労しました。私はそのことを思い出すべきでしょう。聖霊によって神の真実を私はいつも求めています。私の語ることを全ての人が受け入れなかったとしても私は落胆してはいけませんし、語ることをやめてもいけません。エゼキエル(エゼキエル33:1~9)で主がこの問題を対等に取り扱ってくださいました。自由意思を持つ人間は決断権を持っています。しかし、主の御言葉を人に誤って伝えることで従わせることはできないのです。

P: Father, there are times when I feel like I'm butting my head against a wall, but You know that better than I do. Thank You for Your patience with me, when I have been so slow to hear and receive Your Word so many times. Help me be faithful as a carrier of Your Word, Your Spirit, so that as many as will may hear and receive and be saved, for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!

P: お父様。まるで壁に頭を打ち付けているかのようです。そう感じる時があります。しかし、あなたはそんなことは私よりも御存じです。私への忍耐を感謝します。あなたはもう何度も私に語って下さっているのです。私が聞くことに遅いだけなのです。あなたの御言葉、聖霊を誠実に伝えるように助けてください。そして多くの方が聞き、受け入れ、救われますように。あなたのご栄光のために。感謝します。神様を賛美します!

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