

使徒 2:1-21

S: 使徒 2:17-18 「神が言われる。終わりの日に、わたしの霊をすべての人に注ぐ。すると、あなたがたの息子や娘は預言し、青年は幻を見、老人は夢を見る。その日、わたしのしもべにも、はしためにも、わたしの霊を注ぐ。すると、彼らは預言する。」

O: There are no age barriers or gender barriers to the work of the Holy Spirit. Rather, all are necessary for the fulfillment of God's plan. That in itself was revolutionary when Joel first prophesied it and when Peter quoted it, and it's revolutionary even in many church­es today. As Amos said (Amos 3:8) “The lion has roared – who will not fear? The Sovereign LORD has spoken – who can but prophe­sy?” When God is speaking, everyone who hears Him should be relaying what they have heard to those who have not heard. Every believer should expect to hear from God and be prepared to communicate what they have heard to others.

O: 聖霊の働きに年齢や性別による障壁はありません。ただ必要なのは神様の御計画の成就のみです。ヨエルが始めに預言し、それをペテロが引用しましたが、大変画期的なことでした。今日でも多くの教会でなされていることは画期的と言えるでしょう。アモスが (アモス3:8)「獅子がほえる。誰が恐れないだろう。神である主が語られる。誰が預言しないでいられよう。」と語っています。神様の言葉を聞いたときは、聞いていない内容と結び付けて聞く必要があります。全ての信者は神様の言葉を期待し、それを人の伝えるよう整えるべきです。

A: This church is getting a good contingent of young men, but having hit 61 I'm the only certifiable old man around. We do have a good group of women, so our bases are covered as far as this passage goes! However, having the building materials isn't the same thing as having a house. We all need to be fully open to the flow of the Holy Spirit, ready and available for whatever He wants to say or do through us. That takes both sensitivity and courage, because sometimes what He tells us can scare us witless. As pastor, I need to be careful I don't miss the dreams the Lord has for me, and I need to encourage each of the believers in what the Lord is doing in and through them.

A: 教会には若い男性が集い、良い動きが見られます。この状況では61歳の私は確かに年齢を感じざるを得ません。女性陣もなかなかです。教会は今日の御言葉のように基礎ができています。しかし、建設のための建材が揃っていると言っても、家が直ちにできるわけではありません。聖霊に心を開き満たしてもらわねばなりません。神様のために働けるように準備を整えておかねばなりません。そのためには心を研ぎ澄まし、そして勇気を持っていなくてはなりません。時に神様からの指示に怖気ずくことがあるからです。牧師として、私は主が私に下さっている夢を逃すことのないように注意深くありたいと思います。そして主が信者に働いておられることを示し信者を勇気づけていきたいと思っています。

P: Father, thank You for what You are doing here. Thank You for those You brought to prayer meeting last night, and for the good fellowship and planning we could do. Guide us in following through with what You are showing us, rather than just saying, oh, that's nice. Thank You for the message You gave Piro for this past Sunday, and for the messages You will speak through Tora the two Sundays I will be in the US. I pray that we would all speak a unified message under Your direction, so that through the different mouths and different personalities the hearers, both physically present and otherwise, would hear what You are saying in the way each one can receive it, so that Your Word may be taken in, digested, and acted on, for the sake of the Body of Christ and for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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