

ヨハネ 14:1-14

S: ヨハネ 14:10

O: Jesus said things like this many times throughout His ministry, but it is a mystery that we have trouble grasping. Actually, it is central to the whole theme of my father's dissertation, from which these readings are drawn. Jesus was in the Father, but the Father was also in Him, as He says here, and that doesn't fit Newtonian physics! There is obviously a reality that is much greater than the physical that is operating here, but it has to be experienced to be grasped. Christians speak glibly about “Jesus in my heart,” and things like that, but non-Christians really can't get a handle on what is being said and meant. It is only when we choose to repent and believe that this glorious reality comes to life in us. We might not be able to explain it, but we know it's real!


A: My heart's desire is to so be in Christ, and He in me by His Spirit, that I indeed speak only His words and work His works. As He said in verse 12, if I am planted in Him by faith I will indeed work His works, which I certainly desire, but my focus and gifting is in the area of words. I know that the relationship isn't mechanical, like a microphone and speaker, but dynamic: I've got to choose to be connected and resonant. I know from reading the different writers of the Bible that when God speaks through me it will have my flavor, but I want the content, the nutrition, so to speak, to be God entirely. I don't want to contribute any junk food! I want this to be operative when I am speaking in a church context, of course, but I also want it to be operative everywhere else. I want my daily conversation to be prophetic, so that God's Word will accomplish everything for which He sends it. (Isaiah 55:10-11)

A: 私の思いはキリストの内にいることです。聖霊によってキリストは私の内におられます。これはキリストの言葉と働きによってはっきり言えることです。イエスが12節でイエスを信じる者はイエスの行うわざを行うと教えていますが、それこそが私の望みであり、そのために言葉の領域で賜物を与えられているのですから焦点を合わせています。関係というものはマイクやスピーカーのように機械的なものではありません。ダイナミックです。繋がって共鳴するようにせねばなりません。聖書の中の他の書を読んでいる時に神様が私を通して語ってくださいました。趣のある内容でしたが、私の求めることはもっと栄養味のあるもの、つまり神様そのもの全てです。くだらない食べ物のために働きたくはありません!教会でも他のあらゆる場所でも、話す時には十分に伝わってほしいと願っています。私の日々の会話がまさに預言的なものとなり、神の望む事を成し遂げ、神の送ったことを成就することを望んでいます。(イザヤ55:10~11)

P: Father, I've tasted this, which is what makes me hungry for more. Thank You for what You spoke through me yesterday, morning and evening. Thank You for the fruit of that, with H making an open commitment to Christ. I pray Your protection and guidance for her, not simply in the timing of her baptism but in every step of her life from now on, so that she may be and do all that You created her for, for her great blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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