

使徒 13:42-52

S: 使徒 13:52 弟子たちは喜びと聖霊に満たされていた。

O: In a sense, this could be called the identifying marks of a disciple of Jesus. Those who believe are saved, but the more we move into discipleship, the more we will be characterized by joy and the Holy Spirit. Disciples don't have it easy; Paul and Barnabas had just been run out of town because of their evangelistic activities. However, it was the success of those activities that generated the opposition, and they were content with that. It is open to interpretation as to whether “disciples” here refers just to Paul and Barnabas or whether it refers to the new believers in Antioch as well, but the principle is the same: obedience to Christ (which is of course an essential part of discipleship) will generate opposition, but the rewards are more than worth it.


A: I have had my times of being “filled with joy and the Holy Spirit,” but neither my obedience nor my joy have been as consistent as I would like. I do know that seeking joy for its own sake is self-defeating. However, seeking to be obedient and to be filled with the Holy Spirit is highly recommended! Any time my joy level is low, I need to check my obedience level. This is also how I need to teach the believers. Some of them are dragging along without much joy, but they are likewise not being very obedient to the Holy Spirit, because the devil has convinced them it's too much trouble. The simple matter of faithfully having devotions every morning can make a massive difference. I need to be a good and an accessible example, helping them understand that God's grace and blessings are as available to them as they are to me.


P: Father, thank You for the experience of being so excited about our upcoming trip that other things, like lack of sleep, become much more bearable. Help me be this focused on You and Your kingdom, so that I won't be whipped around by all the little irritations that are often so bothersome. Thank You for all You've enabled Cathy and me to get done in the past few days. I feel like we're better prepared for this trip than most we've taken. Help us focus fully on each task at hand, giving it our best, rather than being distracted by what hasn't happened yet, either good or bad. May we indeed be fully obedient to You so that we may be filled with Your joy and Your Spirit for Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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