

エペソ 5:1-21

S: エペソ 5:15-17 そういうわけですから、賢くない人のようではなく、賢い人のように歩んでいるかどうか、よくよく注意し、機会を十分に生かして用いなさい。悪い時代だからです。ですから、愚かにならないで、主のみこころは何であるかを、よく悟りなさい。

O: Christians should be innocent but not gullible. The devil is a liar and a deceiver and tries to deceive “even the elect,” as Paul says elsewhere. It is almost a truism that most crime is stupid, but the same can be said even more strongly of sin in general. When we understand the consequences of sin and the rewards of obedience, there should be not a moment's hesitation to our obedience. However, most of the time we aren't that smart! We become experts at excuses and rationalizations, rather than at discerning God's will and following it. The OT says that the fear (deep respect, honor) of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Proverbs 9:10) and knowledge (Proverbs 1:7). Failure to fear God properly lays us open to all sorts of foolishness and deception. Even for the person who strives to walk in purity, failure to fear God properly can result in all sorts of missed opportunities to serve Him. Time once passed cannot be regained, and the only wise course is to use each moment in line with God's will. That's not to say that we are to be frantic and anxious about filling each moment – sometimes God's plan is for us to be quiet and relax – but it is to say we need to be very careful of distractions.


A: This sure hits close to home! It took me over 50 years to really recognize and acknowledge my own foolishness! Priding myself on my high IQ, I have missed more opportunities and walked into more traps than I could begin to calculate. The irony is that I have experienced, and delighted in, many “divine appointments” along the way. I don't suppose that should surprise me, when God could use even Balaam's donkey! I need to recognize that I am far closer to being a donkey than I am to being God. I need to seek God's wisdom, His will, at every juncture, not making decisions based solely on intellect but submitting my mind to God and letting Him guide me. I have understood this on a surface level for a long time, but living it out has proved to be much more difficult. However, God is gracious, and I am not to get all anxious and tied in knots over this or anything else. Rather, I am to trust His love, just as He told me, and receive the lessons He gives me with gratefulness and joy.


P: Father, that last line is a kicker. Like it says in Hebrews, Your lessons often aren't too pleasant while I'm going through them. Help me learn the overriding lesson of looking to You, trusting You and rejoicing in You regardless of what I'm going through. Thank You that I can see some progress in the current cycle of lessons, as compared with some previous times. Help me indeed make the most of every opportunity, so that all Your plans for me may be fulfilled for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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