

イザヤ 9:2-7

S: イザヤ 9:2 やみの中を歩んでいた民は、大きな光を見た。死の陰の地に住んでいた者たちの上に光が照った。

O: This is a beautiful and apt metaphor for what God has done for us in Christ. As Paul and others point out, life without Christ is dark indeed, without hope. Many, many passages about light come to mind, since I have used light as the theme both for daily Bible readings and for multiple sermons. The problem is, too often we don't recognize the light, and/or we refuse to open our eyes and acknowledge it. The image comes to mind of someone turning on the light in a bedroom to try to get someone up, and they burrow down under the covers to escape the light. That can be amusing or irritating for the person who is trying to get the sleeper up, but when it is a picture of people's response to the Gospel, it is tragic. That's because the second half of this verse is all too apt: “those living in the land of the shadow of death.” Whether or not someone gets up in the morning might have various consequences, but whether or not they receive the Gospel is literally the difference between eternal life and eternal death. Christians are carriers of the Light, but we cannot force people to accept it and walk in it.


A: This comes home to me strongly in my work with the patients in the mental hospital. Often they respond better than “normal” people simply because they recognize the darkness they're in. A further extension of this metaphor is that Christians, those who have accepted the light, often – if not usually – have pockets of darkness within them. Sometimes that's largely accidental, but sometimes those pockets are closely guarded, and in such cases they grow like cancer. As a pastor I seek to let the light into every area of my own and my flock's lives, but sometimes I run into bitter opposition to that. That is heartbreaking. I need to be careful that I am walking in the light myself, as John says (1 John 1:7, 2:9-11), and I need to encourage the believers strongly to do likewise. I have no power to force them to do so, so I need to be faithful in prayer in order to give the Holy Spirit maximum opportunity to to work.

A:精神病院の患者さんたちへの奉仕に関して、上に書いたことを強く感じます。しばしば、患者さんたちは「一般」の人たちよりも福音に大して好意的な反応を示してくれますが、それは彼らが闇の中にいることに気づいているからでしょう。さらに喩えるなら、光を受け入れたクリスチャンも、しばしば、-いつもとは限らなくとも- 内に闇の部分を持っていると言えるでしょう。偶然、そうなった時もあるでしょうし、闇の部分が隠し守られていることもあるでしょう。そうした場合、その闇は癌のように成長していきます。牧師として私は私自身のあらゆる部分と群れの生活に関し、光を当てていくように求めていきます。もっとも、時に手厳しい反対に遭い、辛いことですが。ヨハネが(1ヨハネ1:7,2:9~11)で教えているように、私自身が光を歩んでいるように注意深くありたいと思っています。信者にもそうあってほしい強く望んでいます。私には信者に強制することはできません。ですから聖霊様が最大限に機会を与えてくださるように心をこめて祈るばかりです。

P: Father, thank You for this strong, clear, word this morning. If I am to scrap the notes I have for Sunday, make that clear and give me wisdom as I prepare to speak on this topic. If this message isn't for this coming Sunday, give me peace about that as well. Help me walk in Your light in all humility, gratefulness and love, so that the devil may be given no opportunities but rather be defeated, for the blessing of Your people and for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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