

マタイ 2:1-12

S: マタイ 2:8 「行って幼子のことを詳しく調べ、わかったら知らせてもらいたい。私も行って拝むから。」

O: Herod was certainly an extreme example, but people in general seem to have no hesitation to lie about their spiritual motives and actions. I remember a seminary professor telling a class, “Remember that people think it's no sin to lie to the preacher about whether they are going to go to church.” Jesus put it clearly: “By their fruit you will know them.” (Matthew 7:16) John records that Jesus didn't entrust Himself to the people because He knew their hearts. (John 2:24) It is actually much easier to deal with open opposition than with someone who says the right things but never follows through.


A: I've certainly dealt with this throughout my years of ministry. Even so, I'm still disappointed when someone promises to show up for an opportunity to worship/pray/praise and then fails to do so. I ought to know better by now! However, some people do follow through sometimes, so I need to keep my eyes on God and not on people. The lady who came last night is a good example. She didn't make it to the Eve service, but she did follow through to the point of showing up last night in spite of the rain, and she certainly seemed hungry for Christian fellowship. I need to put my hopes and expectation in God and not count, or count on, people until they show up. People's motives and actions are between them and God, whatever impact they might have on me. I need to remember that and release them to God, entrusting myself to Him rather than to them, and not taking them on myself as a personal burden.

A: このことを私はミニストリーで対応してきました。それでも礼拝、祈り、賛美に来ると約束しながら、来なかった人にがっかりさせられます。私ももっと良く分かっているべきでしょう。けれども、時々、約束を果たしてくれる人がいます。私は人にではなく目を神に向けます。昨夜、来た女性などはそのよい例です。彼女はイヴ礼拝には来れませんでしたが、雨の中、約束を果たすために昨夜来てくれました。彼女は確かにクリスチャン同士の交わりを求めていたのでしょう。神様に期待と希望を置きます。来ない人をあてにはしません。人の動機と行動は彼ら自身を神様の間の関係です。たとえ彼らが私に与える影響がどんなものであれ。そのことを覚え、神様に託していきます。私自身を神に任せます。人に任せませんし、彼らを私の重荷とすることはしません。

P: Father, thank You for yesterday, for everyone who came to the morning service and those who came to the evening service. There were many who by not coming missed the blessings You intended to give them, but that is between You and them. Some had valid reasons, but some had only the lame excuses the devil supplies. Help me minister to all, attendees and non-attendees alike, with Your grace, love and wisdom. Help me be discerning without judging, accepting without excusing, so that each one will be encouraged to grow as You desire, becoming and doing all that You intend, for their blessing and Your glory. Thank You. Praise God!


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