

申命記 18:14-22

S: 申命記 18:18-20 「わたしは彼らの同胞のうちから、彼らのためにあなたのようなひとりの預言者を起こそう。わたしは彼の口にわたしのことばを授けよう。彼は、わたしが命じることをみな、彼らに告げる。わたしの名によって彼が告げるわたしのことばに聞き従わない者があれば、わたしが責任を問う。ただし、わたしが告げようと命じないことを、不遜にわたしの名によって告げたり、あるいは、ほかの神々の名によって告げたりする預言者があるならその預言者は死ななければならない。」

O: This passage has its difficulties in interpretation. On one hand, it has always been taken as messianic, with “a prophet like you” referring to the Messiah. However, it obviously has broader implications as well, because the the Messiah never would (and never did) proclaim anything the Father hadn't spoken to Him. Jesus was/is the absolutely unique Messiah, but God did and continues to speak through various human instruments, for whom the cautions about speaking only what God has told them apply fully. One common point between the Prophet (Christ) and prophets (every other spokesman for God) is that those who hear are responsible for what they have heard. In the NT Age (which includes everything from the birth of Christ through His Second Coming) we have the Holy Spirit to give us discernment as to whether what is said is of God or not. Sometimes we want to sidestep that responsibility, either accepting every­thing uncritically or rejecting things out of hand, but neither of those courses is acceptable to God.


A: In terms of personal application, I often speak what I feel God is saying, yet I don't consider myself “a prophet.” Be that as it may, I must not take that function lightly. I must be humbly submitted in a proper fear of the Lord (that seems to be coming up a lot recently), applying the words I speak to myself first, and not just speaking them at people. At the same time, responsibility for receiving and acting on what God says is the responsibility of each hearer, not the person through whom God speaks. I am responsible for my own obedience to what God has said and is saying, but not for that of anyone else. As a pastor, it is my desire and task to encourage the believers in their discipleship, but their ultimate responsibility is to God.


P: Father, thank You for this word this morning. As You know better than I do, right now I'm tied in knots over all that is going on, and that's a clear indication of how much I need to grow in both trust and obedience. Help me apply the truth You have been so faithful to speak through me. I come back to Proverbs 3:5-6. Help me indeed trust You with my whole heart and not try to figure everything out on my own. Help me be faithful in the tasks You set for me and leave the outcome in Your hands. Help me remember at all times that I'm not You, and how good it is that's true! Thank You for Your grace toward me, Father, in Christ Jesus my Lord. Amen.


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