

ルカ 1:57-66

S: ルカ 1:57 さて月が満ちて、エリサベツは男の子を産んだ。

O: In some ways this is the most pedestrian sentence in this whole passage, but it actually has deep meaning for us all. When the time was fulfilled, God's promise was fulfilled, right on schedule. John's conception and birth weren't accidental, they were part of God's very deliberate plan, as much so as Jesus'. We get all worked up over what is going to happen when, when God isn't the least anxious about any of it. There are things that affect schedules, certainly, and we must be careful to be obedient to God, but He is in command, and He is faithful. When God makes a promise, we need to be careful to fulfill whatever conditions there might be on our side, but otherwise, we can be absolutely sure that it is going to happen, at the right time and in the right way.

O: この節全体がある意味では大変平凡なようですが、実は私たち全てにとって深い意味を持っています!時が満ちて、神様の約束も時宜通りに成就します。ヨハネの懐妊と誕生は偶然ではありません。イエス様の時と同じく、神様の入念な御計画の一部でした。先の出来事に心を煩わされすのが人ですが、神様は気を揉まれることはありません。時宜に関してなら影響がありますが、私たちはただ神様に従っているように心がけているべきです。神様は落ち着いておられ、真実なお方なのですから。神様が約束をなさる時は、たとえ私たっちの側の状況がどうであれ、約束が成就するよう注意すべきです。そうすることで、正しい時に、正しいやり方で、成就することをしっかり確信していられるでしょう。

A: My own immediate involvement in this is in relation to scheduling. Today being the City Christmas, schedule has been a pressing matter for some time and especially so today. I need to relax, trust God, and enjoy the ride! Today has arrived right on schedule, and each part of today will do the same, all the way to getting to bed tonight. My being anxious would have only negative consequences, for me and for those around me, so I need to live out the truth I know!

A: このことに関して目下、私の問題はと言えば、スケジュールです。今日は市民クリスマスがあります。スケジュールが火急に迫り、特に今日は大変です。落ち着いて、神を信頼し、神様のなさることを楽しんでいられますように。今日もまた予定通りに来ました。今日のどの部分も同様でしょう。そして夜には床に就くのです。私が心配したところで、私や周りの人にとって悪い結果にしかなりませんから、真実に従ってやるのみです。既に真実を知っているのですから。

P: Father, thank You for this very timely reminder. I do ask for clear guidance each moment of today, so that I won't be wasting time but I won't be nervous either. Guide in when each person arrives here, and when each person arrives at Sakura Hall. I pray that I would be fully focused on each thing You have for me to do at the right time, not being distracted by the next thing and failing to do my best. That's particularly a problem in relation to the morning service here. I pray that I would worship in spirit and in truth, and that Your Word would flow through me in clarity and power, getting through all the barriers and touching each hearer's heart as You intend, for their blessing and Your glory. I pray also that every detail of the City Christmas, from setting up decorations to taking them down, would be exactly as You desire and intend, knitting together and building up the Body of Christ for Your glory. Thank You. Hallelujah!


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